Browse Clinical Trials (734 trials open to new patients)
Blood, Heart, and Circulation (139 trials open to new patients)
Bones, Joints, and Muscles (68 trials open to new patients)
Brain and Nerves (134 trials open to new patients)
Cancers (351 trials open to new patients)
Children and Teenagers (4 trials open to new patients)
Diagnostic Tests (18 trials open to new patients)
Digestive System (133 trials open to new patients)
Ear, Nose, and Throat (38 trials open to new patients)
Endocrine System (85 trials open to new patients)
Eyes and Vision (25 trials open to new patients)
Food and Nutrition (37 trials open to new patients)
Genetics/Birth Defects (83 trials open to new patients)
Health System (16 trials open to new patients)
Immune System (150 trials open to new patients)
Infections (54 trials open to new patients)
Injuries and Wounds (41 trials open to new patients)
Kidneys and Urinary System (82 trials open to new patients)
Lungs and Breathing (130 trials open to new patients)
Mental Health and Behavior (73 trials open to new patients)
Mouth and Teeth (25 trials open to new patients)
Older Adults (147 trials open to new patients)
Poisoning, Toxicology, Environmental Health (6 trials open to new patients)
Population Groups (3 trials open to new patients)
Pregnancy and Reproduction (13 trials open to new patients)
Reproductive System (107 trials open to new patients)
Sexual Health Issues (6 trials open to new patients)
Skin, Hair, and Nails (26 trials open to new patients)
Social/Family Issues (25 trials open to new patients)
Substance Use and Disorders (15 trials open to new patients)
Surgery and Rehabilitation (30 trials open to new patients)
Symptoms (36 trials open to new patients)
Transplantation and Donation (27 trials open to new patients)
Other (155 trials open to new patients)
- Abdominal Aortic Aneurysm (2 in progress, 0 open to new patients)
- Abdominal Injury (1 in progress, 1 open to new patients)
- Abiraterone Acetate (1 in progress, 0 open to new patients)
- Abnormal DNA Repair (1 in progress, 0 open to new patients)
- Abnormalities of Erythrocyte Differentiation or Function (1 in progress, 1 open to new patients)
- Abnormalities of Platelets (1 in progress, 1 open to new patients)
- Acanthamoeba Keratitis (1 in progress, 0 open to new patients)
- Achondroplasia (3 in progress, 0 open to new patients)
- ACL Injury (2 in progress, 1 open to new patients)
- Acoustic Neuroma (2 in progress, 0 open to new patients)
- Acromegaly (3 in progress, 0 open to new patients)
- Acute Coronary Syndrome (1 in progress, 1 open to new patients)
- Acute Intermittent Porphyria (1 in progress, 0 open to new patients)
- Acute Kidney Injury (6 in progress, 2 open to new patients)
- Acute Lung Injury (1 in progress, 1 open to new patients)
- Acute Lymphoblastic Leukemia (26 in progress, 8 open to new patients)
- Acute Myeloid Leukemia (43 in progress, 15 open to new patients)
- Acute Promyelocytic Leukemia (1 in progress, 0 open to new patients)
- Acute Respiratory Distress Syndrome (1 in progress, 1 open to new patients)
- ADA Deficiency (2 in progress, 1 open to new patients)
- Adenocarcinoma (1 in progress, 1 open to new patients)
- Adenocarcinoma of the Lung (1 in progress, 0 open to new patients)
- Adenocarcinoma of the Rectum (1 in progress, 1 open to new patients)
- Adenoid Cystic Carcinoma (1 in progress, 1 open to new patients)
- Adenoma (1 in progress, 0 open to new patients)
- Adenomyosis (1 in progress, 0 open to new patients)
- Adenovirus (4 in progress, 1 open to new patients)
- Adhesive Small Bowel Obstruction (1 in progress, 1 open to new patients)
- Adrenal Gland Neoplasm (1 in progress, 1 open to new patients)
- Adrenal Insufficiency (1 in progress, 1 open to new patients)
- Adrenocortical Carcinoma (1 in progress, 1 open to new patients)
- Adrenoleukodystrophy (1 in progress, 0 open to new patients)
- Advanced Systemic Mastocytosis (1 in progress, 1 open to new patients)
- AFP Expressing Tumors (1 in progress, 0 open to new patients)
- Aggressive Systemic Mastocytosis (1 in progress, 1 open to new patients)
- Agitation (1 in progress, 1 open to new patients)
- Airway Obstruction (1 in progress, 1 open to new patients)
- Alagille Syndrome (1 in progress, 0 open to new patients)
- Alcohol Use (6 in progress, 2 open to new patients)
- Allogeneic Hematopoietic Cell Transplantation (3 in progress, 0 open to new patients)
- Allostatic Load (1 in progress, 1 open to new patients)
- Alpha-1 Antitrypsin Deficiency (5 in progress, 1 open to new patients)
- Alport Syndrome (2 in progress, 0 open to new patients)
- Alzheimer's Disease (15 in progress, 7 open to new patients)
- Amblyopia (1 in progress, 1 open to new patients)
- Amino Acid Metabolism, Inborn Errors (1 in progress, 1 open to new patients)
- Amnestic Mild Cognitive Disorder (1 in progress, 1 open to new patients)
- Amphetamines (1 in progress, 1 open to new patients)
- AMR (1 in progress, 0 open to new patients)
- Amyotropic Lateral Sclerosis (ALS) (2 in progress, 1 open to new patients)
- Anal Cancer (2 in progress, 0 open to new patients)
- Anal Intraepithelial Neoplasia (1 in progress, 0 open to new patients)
- Anaplastic Ganglioglioma (1 in progress, 0 open to new patients)
- Anaplastic Oligodendroglioma (1 in progress, 0 open to new patients)
- Anaplastic Pleomorphic Xanthoastrocytoma (1 in progress, 0 open to new patients)
- Androgens (1 in progress, 0 open to new patients)
- Androgen Deprivation Therapy (3 in progress, 2 open to new patients)
- Anemia (23 in progress, 9 open to new patients)
- Anesthesia (1 in progress, 1 open to new patients)
- Aneurysm (8 in progress, 3 open to new patients)
- Angelman Syndrome (2 in progress, 0 open to new patients)
- Angiolipoma (1 in progress, 1 open to new patients)
- Angiomatoid Fibrous Histiocytoma (1 in progress, 0 open to new patients)
- Angiosarcoma (1 in progress, 0 open to new patients)
- Anorexia (2 in progress, 1 open to new patients)
- Anti-Glomerular Basement Membrane Disease (1 in progress, 0 open to new patients)
- Antibody Mediated Rejection (4 in progress, 1 open to new patients)
- Anticoagulant-Induced Bleeding (1 in progress, 0 open to new patients)
- Antimicrobial Stewardship (1 in progress, 0 open to new patients)
- Antineoplastic Agents (1 in progress, 0 open to new patients)
- Antineoplastic Agents, Hormonal (1 in progress, 0 open to new patients)
- Antisynthetase Syndrome (1 in progress, 1 open to new patients)
- Anxiety (19 in progress, 14 open to new patients)
- Anxiety, Generalized (1 in progress, 1 open to new patients)
- Anxiety in Pregnancy (1 in progress, 1 open to new patients)
- Anxiety, Separation (1 in progress, 1 open to new patients)
- Aortic Disease (1 in progress, 1 open to new patients)
- Aortic Dissection (3 in progress, 3 open to new patients)
- Aortic, Peripheral Vascular and Venous Disorders (1 in progress, 1 open to new patients)
- Aortic Rupture (1 in progress, 1 open to new patients)
- Aortic Stenosis (3 in progress, 1 open to new patients)
- AOSD (1 in progress, 0 open to new patients)
- APDS (2 in progress, 1 open to new patients)
- Aphasia (1 in progress, 1 open to new patients)
- Appetite Loss (1 in progress, 1 open to new patients)
- Appointments and Schedules (1 in progress, 1 open to new patients)
- Arrythmia (1 in progress, 1 open to new patients)
- Arterial Occlusion (2 in progress, 1 open to new patients)
- Arterial Occlusive Diseases (1 in progress, 0 open to new patients)
- Arteriosclerosis (1 in progress, 1 open to new patients)
- Arteriovenous Fistula (2 in progress, 1 open to new patients)
- Arteriovenous Malformation (1 in progress, 1 open to new patients)
- Arthralgia (1 in progress, 0 open to new patients)
- Arthritis (6 in progress, 5 open to new patients)
- Articular Cartilage Defect (1 in progress, 0 open to new patients)
- Artificial Intelligence (AI) (1 in progress, 0 open to new patients)
- Aspergillus (1 in progress, 1 open to new patients)
- Asthma (1 in progress, 1 open to new patients)
- Astrocytoma (25 in progress, 11 open to new patients)
- ASXL1 Gene Mutation (1 in progress, 1 open to new patients)
- ASXL2 Gene Mutation (1 in progress, 1 open to new patients)
- ASXL3 Gene Mutation (1 in progress, 1 open to new patients)
- Atherosclerosis (11 in progress, 6 open to new patients)
- Athletic Performance (1 in progress, 0 open to new patients)
- Atopic Dermatitis (Eczema) (4 in progress, 2 open to new patients)
- Atrial Fibrillation (5 in progress, 4 open to new patients)
- Atrioventricular Block (1 in progress, 1 open to new patients)
- Atrophic Muscular Disorders (1 in progress, 0 open to new patients)
- Attention-Deficit/Hyperactivity Disorder (4 in progress, 3 open to new patients)
- ATTR (1 in progress, 1 open to new patients)
- ATTR Amyloidosis (1 in progress, 1 open to new patients)
- ATTR-CM (1 in progress, 1 open to new patients)
- ATTR-Mixed (1 in progress, 1 open to new patients)
- ATTRv-PN (1 in progress, 1 open to new patients)
- Atypical Parkinsonism (1 in progress, 1 open to new patients)
- Autism (13 in progress, 8 open to new patients)
- Autoimmune Disease (3 in progress, 2 open to new patients)
- Autoimmune Hepatitis (1 in progress, 0 open to new patients)
- Autoimmune Pulmonary Alveolar Proteinosis (1 in progress, 0 open to new patients)
- B-Cell Acute Lymphoblastic Leukemia (11 in progress, 2 open to new patients)
- B-Cell Malignancies (2 in progress, 2 open to new patients)
- Back Pain (4 in progress, 4 open to new patients)
- Bacteremia (1 in progress, 1 open to new patients)
- Bacteremia Due to Staphylococcus Aureus (1 in progress, 1 open to new patients)
- Bacteremia Staph (1 in progress, 1 open to new patients)
- Bacterial Disease Carrier (1 in progress, 1 open to new patients)
- Bacterial Infections (2 in progress, 1 open to new patients)
- Bainbridge-Ropers Syndrome (1 in progress, 1 open to new patients)
- Barrett's Esophagus (5 in progress, 3 open to new patients)
- Basal Cell Carcinoma (3 in progress, 2 open to new patients)
- Behavioral Economics (1 in progress, 1 open to new patients)
- Behavioral Variant Frontotemporal Dementia (1 in progress, 1 open to new patients)
- Beta Thalassemia (1 in progress, 1 open to new patients)
- Biliary Tract Cancer (3 in progress, 2 open to new patients)
- Biopsy-proven Histologic Scores (1 in progress, 0 open to new patients)
- Bipolar Disorder (1 in progress, 1 open to new patients)
- BK Virus (2 in progress, 1 open to new patients)
- Bladder Cancer (25 in progress, 13 open to new patients)
- Bladder Disease (1 in progress, 1 open to new patients)
- Bladder, Neurogenic (1 in progress, 1 open to new patients)
- Blastic Plasmacytoid Dendritic Cell Neoplasm (2 in progress, 0 open to new patients)
- Bleeding (1 in progress, 0 open to new patients)
- Bleeding Disorder (1 in progress, 1 open to new patients)
- Blindness (2 in progress, 0 open to new patients)
- Blood Coagulation Disorder (3 in progress, 3 open to new patients)
- Blood Culture Rates (1 in progress, 0 open to new patients)
- Blood Loss (1 in progress, 1 open to new patients)
- Blood Transfusion (1 in progress, 1 open to new patients)
- BMM (1 in progress, 0 open to new patients)
- Bohring-Opitz Syndrome (1 in progress, 1 open to new patients)
- Bone and Joint Infection (1 in progress, 1 open to new patients)
- Bone Cancer (12 in progress, 1 open to new patients)
- Bone Infection (1 in progress, 1 open to new patients)
- Bone Marrow Mastocytosis (1 in progress, 0 open to new patients)
- Bone Marrow Transplant (13 in progress, 7 open to new patients)
- Borderline Ovarian Mucinous Tumor (1 in progress, 0 open to new patients)
- Bowel Disease (1 in progress, 1 open to new patients)
- BRAF V600 Mutation (3 in progress, 1 open to new patients)
- Brain Aneurysm (1 in progress, 1 open to new patients)
- Brain Cancer (7 in progress, 4 open to new patients)
- Brain Fog (1 in progress, 1 open to new patients)
- Brain Hemorrhage (1 in progress, 0 open to new patients)
- Brain Hypoxia (2 in progress, 2 open to new patients)
- Brain Injury (6 in progress, 1 open to new patients)
- Brain Tumor (12 in progress, 9 open to new patients)
- BRCA 1 Gene Mutation (4 in progress, 2 open to new patients)
- BRCA 2 Gene Mutation (3 in progress, 1 open to new patients)
- BRCA Mutation (1 in progress, 0 open to new patients)
- Breast Cancer (87 in progress, 37 open to new patients)
- Breast Ductal Carcinoma In Situ (2 in progress, 0 open to new patients)
- Breast Surgery (1 in progress, 1 open to new patients)
- Bronchiolitis Obliterans (4 in progress, 2 open to new patients)
- Bronchitis (2 in progress, 0 open to new patients)
- Bronchopulmonary Dysplasia (4 in progress, 1 open to new patients)
- C. Diff (2 in progress, 1 open to new patients)
- C.Difficile Diarrhea (1 in progress, 1 open to new patients)
- C3 Glomerulopathy (1 in progress, 0 open to new patients)
- CADASIL (1 in progress, 1 open to new patients)
- Cancer, General (49 in progress, 23 open to new patients)
- Cancer Harboring BRAF Alterations (1 in progress, 1 open to new patients)
- Cancer of Unknown Primary Site (1 in progress, 1 open to new patients)
- Candidemia (1 in progress, 1 open to new patients)
- Cannabidiol (2 in progress, 1 open to new patients)
- Cannabis (2 in progress, 1 open to new patients)
- CAR T-Cell Therapy (2 in progress, 1 open to new patients)
- Carcinoid (2 in progress, 1 open to new patients)
- Carcinoid Intestine Tumor (1 in progress, 0 open to new patients)
- Carcinoid Syndrome (1 in progress, 0 open to new patients)
- Carcinoid Syndrome Diarrhea (1 in progress, 0 open to new patients)
- Carcinoid Tumor (2 in progress, 1 open to new patients)
- Carcinoma (103 in progress, 41 open to new patients)
- Carcinoma in Situ (3 in progress, 2 open to new patients)
- Carcinoma of Unknown Primary (1 in progress, 1 open to new patients)
- Cardiac Allograft Vasculopathy (1 in progress, 0 open to new patients)
- Cardiac Arrest (5 in progress, 5 open to new patients)
- Cardiac Arrhythmia (3 in progress, 1 open to new patients)
- Cardiac Rhythm Disorders (1 in progress, 1 open to new patients)
- Cardiac Surgery (1 in progress, 0 open to new patients)
- Cardiogenic Shock (1 in progress, 0 open to new patients)
- Cardiology (1 in progress, 0 open to new patients)
- Cardiomyopathy (10 in progress, 4 open to new patients)
- Cardiovascular Disease (19 in progress, 8 open to new patients)
- Cardiovascular Disorders (1 in progress, 1 open to new patients)
- Cardiovascular Risk (1 in progress, 0 open to new patients)
- Caregivers (3 in progress, 2 open to new patients)
- Carotid Stenosis (3 in progress, 0 open to new patients)
- Cataracts (1 in progress, 0 open to new patients)
- Cavities (1 in progress, 1 open to new patients)
- CcRCC (1 in progress, 0 open to new patients)
- CD19 Positive (1 in progress, 1 open to new patients)
- CD20 Positive (1 in progress, 1 open to new patients)
- CDD (1 in progress, 1 open to new patients)
- CDK4/6 Inhibitors (1 in progress, 1 open to new patients)
- CDKL5 Deficiency Disorder (4 in progress, 1 open to new patients)
- CDM (1 in progress, 1 open to new patients)
- Celiac Disease (1 in progress, 0 open to new patients)
- Cellular Graft Rejection (1 in progress, 0 open to new patients)
- Cellulitis (1 in progress, 1 open to new patients)
- Central Nervous System Embryonal Tumors (1 in progress, 0 open to new patients)
- Central Nervous System Neoplasms (3 in progress, 1 open to new patients)
- Central Nervous System Tumor (3 in progress, 1 open to new patients)
- Cerebellar Ataxia (14 in progress, 4 open to new patients)
- Cerebral Cavernous Malformations (1 in progress, 0 open to new patients)
- Cerebral Hemorrhage (1 in progress, 0 open to new patients)
- Cerebral Palsy (1 in progress, 1 open to new patients)
- Cerebral Parenchymal Hemorrhage (1 in progress, 0 open to new patients)
- Cervical Adenosquamous Carcinoma (2 in progress, 0 open to new patients)
- Cervical Cancer (19 in progress, 8 open to new patients)
- Cervical Disc Herniation (1 in progress, 1 open to new patients)
- Cervical Intraepithelial Neoplasia (1 in progress, 1 open to new patients)
- Cervical Radiculopathy (1 in progress, 1 open to new patients)
- Cervical Spine Disease (1 in progress, 1 open to new patients)
- Cervical Squamous Intraepithelial Neoplasia 2 (1 in progress, 1 open to new patients)
- Cervical Stenosis (1 in progress, 1 open to new patients)
- Charcot-Marie-Tooth Disease (1 in progress, 0 open to new patients)
- CHDM (1 in progress, 1 open to new patients)
- Chemotherapeutic Toxicity (1 in progress, 0 open to new patients)
- Child Development (2 in progress, 2 open to new patients)
- Child Mental Disorder (1 in progress, 1 open to new patients)
- Child Well-being (1 in progress, 1 open to new patients)
- Chlamydia (2 in progress, 0 open to new patients)
- Cholangiocarcinoma (7 in progress, 4 open to new patients)
- Cholesterol (2 in progress, 1 open to new patients)
- Chondrosarcoma (2 in progress, 0 open to new patients)
- Choriocarcinoma (1 in progress, 1 open to new patients)
- Choroidal Neovascularization (1 in progress, 1 open to new patients)
- Choroideremia (1 in progress, 0 open to new patients)
- Chromosomal Instability (1 in progress, 1 open to new patients)
- Chronic Disease Self-care (1 in progress, 0 open to new patients)
- Chronic Fatigue Syndrome (1 in progress, 0 open to new patients)
- Chronic Granulomatous Disease (1 in progress, 1 open to new patients)
- Chronic Kidney Disease (16 in progress, 7 open to new patients)
- Chronic Limb-Threatening Ischemia (3 in progress, 1 open to new patients)
- Chronic Lung Disease of Prematurity (1 in progress, 0 open to new patients)
- Chronic Lymphocytic Leukaemia (1 in progress, 1 open to new patients)
- Chronic Lymphocytic Leukemia (20 in progress, 8 open to new patients)
- Chronic Myeloid Leukemia (8 in progress, 2 open to new patients)
- Chronic Myelomonocytic Leukemia (3 in progress, 1 open to new patients)
- Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease (11 in progress, 4 open to new patients)
- Chronic Prostatitis (1 in progress, 0 open to new patients)
- Chronic Rhinosinusitis (1 in progress, 1 open to new patients)
- Chronic Thromboembolic Pulmonary Hypertension (2 in progress, 0 open to new patients)
- Cirrhosis (5 in progress, 2 open to new patients)
- Clear Cell (1 in progress, 0 open to new patients)
- Clear Cell Adenocarcinoma (6 in progress, 0 open to new patients)
- Clear Cell Carcinoma (1 in progress, 0 open to new patients)
- Coagulation Disorder (2 in progress, 2 open to new patients)
- Cocaine Use (2 in progress, 1 open to new patients)
- Cochlear Implant (1 in progress, 0 open to new patients)
- Cognition (1 in progress, 1 open to new patients)
- Cognitive Behavioral Therapy (3 in progress, 3 open to new patients)
- Cognitive Decline (1 in progress, 1 open to new patients)
- Cognitive Dysfunction (3 in progress, 2 open to new patients)
- Cognitive Impairment (5 in progress, 2 open to new patients)
- Cognitive Symptom (1 in progress, 0 open to new patients)
- Colon Cancer (10 in progress, 7 open to new patients)
- Colon Polyps (1 in progress, 1 open to new patients)
- Colorectal Cancer (68 in progress, 38 open to new patients)
- Colorectal Tumor (38 in progress, 20 open to new patients)
- Concussion (1 in progress, 0 open to new patients)
- Congenital Heart Defects (5 in progress, 2 open to new patients)
- Congenital Hyperinsulinism (1 in progress, 1 open to new patients)
- Connective Tissue Diseases (3 in progress, 2 open to new patients)
- Connective Tissue Disorder (1 in progress, 1 open to new patients)
- Constipation (1 in progress, 1 open to new patients)
- Contingency Management (1 in progress, 1 open to new patients)
- Continuous Renal Replacement Therapy (CRRT) (1 in progress, 0 open to new patients)
- Contraception (1 in progress, 0 open to new patients)
- Copy Number Variation (1 in progress, 1 open to new patients)
- Corneal Persistent Epithelial Defect (1 in progress, 1 open to new patients)
- Corneal Transplantation (1 in progress, 0 open to new patients)
- Coronary Artery Bypass (1 in progress, 1 open to new patients)
- Coronary Artery Disease (12 in progress, 5 open to new patients)
- Coronary Microvascular Disease (1 in progress, 0 open to new patients)
- Coronary Restenosis (1 in progress, 0 open to new patients)
- Coronary Revascularization (1 in progress, 0 open to new patients)
- Corticobasal Degeneration (1 in progress, 1 open to new patients)
- COVID-19 (18 in progress, 7 open to new patients)
- CPAP (1 in progress, 1 open to new patients)
- Critical Illness (1 in progress, 1 open to new patients)
- Critical Limb Ischemia (2 in progress, 1 open to new patients)
- Crohn's Disease (4 in progress, 2 open to new patients)
- Cushing's Syndrome (1 in progress, 0 open to new patients)
- Cutaneous T-Cell Lymphoma (1 in progress, 0 open to new patients)
- Cyclin-Dependent Kinase 4 (1 in progress, 0 open to new patients)
- Cyclin-Dependent Kinase 6 (1 in progress, 0 open to new patients)
- Cystic Fibrosis (4 in progress, 3 open to new patients)
- Cystic Nephroma (1 in progress, 1 open to new patients)
- Cystoid Macular Edema (1 in progress, 1 open to new patients)
- Cytochrome P-450 (1 in progress, 0 open to new patients)
- Cytomegalovirus (2 in progress, 0 open to new patients)
- DDD (1 in progress, 0 open to new patients)
- Decision Support System (1 in progress, 0 open to new patients)
- Deep Brain Stimulation (4 in progress, 4 open to new patients)
- Deep Vein Thrombosis (3 in progress, 0 open to new patients)
- Degenerative Disc Disease (1 in progress, 1 open to new patients)
- Degenerative Joint Disease of Knee (1 in progress, 1 open to new patients)
- Deglutition Disorders (1 in progress, 1 open to new patients)
- Delirium (1 in progress, 0 open to new patients)
- Dementia (17 in progress, 8 open to new patients)
- Demoralization (1 in progress, 1 open to new patients)
- Dense Deposit Disease (1 in progress, 0 open to new patients)
- Dental Plaque (1 in progress, 1 open to new patients)
- Dental White Spot (1 in progress, 1 open to new patients)
- Depression (27 in progress, 12 open to new patients)
- Dermatitis (1 in progress, 1 open to new patients)
- Dermatologic Disease (1 in progress, 1 open to new patients)
- Dermatomyositis (3 in progress, 1 open to new patients)
- Desmoid Tumor (3 in progress, 1 open to new patients)
- Desmoplastic Small Round Cell Tumors (1 in progress, 0 open to new patients)
- Developmental and Epileptic Encephalopathy (2 in progress, 0 open to new patients)
- Diabetes (34 in progress, 12 open to new patients)
- Diabetes Type 1 (3 in progress, 2 open to new patients)
- Diabetes Type 2 (13 in progress, 5 open to new patients)
- Diabetic Ulcer (4 in progress, 3 open to new patients)
- Diagnostic Techniques and Procedures (1 in progress, 1 open to new patients)
- Dialysis (7 in progress, 4 open to new patients)
- Diaphragm Injury (1 in progress, 1 open to new patients)
- Diarrhea (2 in progress, 1 open to new patients)
- Diarrhea Infectious (1 in progress, 1 open to new patients)
- Diet Habit (1 in progress, 0 open to new patients)
- Dietary Habits (1 in progress, 1 open to new patients)
- Diffuse Large B-Cell Lymphoma (19 in progress, 8 open to new patients)
- Diffuse Scleroderma (10 in progress, 5 open to new patients)
- Digestive Disorders (1 in progress, 1 open to new patients)
- Digestive System Tumor (2 in progress, 1 open to new patients)
- Discrimination, Racial (1 in progress, 1 open to new patients)
- Disk, Herniated (1 in progress, 1 open to new patients)
- Disorders of Metabolism (1 in progress, 1 open to new patients)
- Dizziness (1 in progress, 0 open to new patients)
- DLL3-expressing Tumors (1 in progress, 0 open to new patients)
- Down Syndrome (5 in progress, 1 open to new patients)
- Dravet Syndrome (7 in progress, 0 open to new patients)
- Drug-Induced Pneumonitis (1 in progress, 1 open to new patients)
- Drug Use (7 in progress, 5 open to new patients)
- Duchenne Muscular Dystrophy (14 in progress, 3 open to new patients)
- Ductal Carcinoma in Situ (1 in progress, 0 open to new patients)
- Dysautonomia (1 in progress, 0 open to new patients)
- Dyspepsia (1 in progress, 0 open to new patients)
- Dysplasia (9 in progress, 5 open to new patients)
- Dyspnea (1 in progress, 1 open to new patients)
- Dyssomnias (1 in progress, 0 open to new patients)
- Ear, Nose and Throat Disorder (1 in progress, 1 open to new patients)
- Economic Problems (1 in progress, 1 open to new patients)
- Ectomesenchymoma (1 in progress, 0 open to new patients)
- Edema (1 in progress, 1 open to new patients)
- EGFR Amplification (1 in progress, 1 open to new patients)
- EGFR Gene Mutation (1 in progress, 1 open to new patients)
- EGFRI Induced Acneiform Lesions (1 in progress, 1 open to new patients)
- Elevated Lp(a) (1 in progress, 1 open to new patients)
- Emotional Memory (1 in progress, 1 open to new patients)
- Emotional Regulation (1 in progress, 1 open to new patients)
- Emphysema (4 in progress, 1 open to new patients)
- End of Life (3 in progress, 1 open to new patients)
- End Stage Renal Disease (9 in progress, 5 open to new patients)
- Endocervical Cancer (1 in progress, 0 open to new patients)
- Endocrine System Diseases (2 in progress, 0 open to new patients)
- Endometrial Cancer (31 in progress, 14 open to new patients)
- Endometrial Hyperplasia (1 in progress, 0 open to new patients)
- Endometrial Serous Adenocarcinoma (3 in progress, 0 open to new patients)
- Endometrioid Tumor (1 in progress, 0 open to new patients)
- Endothelial Dysfunction (2 in progress, 1 open to new patients)
- Enzyme Inhibitors (1 in progress, 0 open to new patients)
- Ependymal Tumor (1 in progress, 0 open to new patients)
- Ependymoma (6 in progress, 0 open to new patients)
- Epidermal Growth Factor Receptor (1 in progress, 1 open to new patients)
- Epilepsy (23 in progress, 7 open to new patients)
- Epileptic Encephalopathy (4 in progress, 0 open to new patients)
- Epileptic Spasm (1 in progress, 0 open to new patients)
- Epistaxis (2 in progress, 2 open to new patients)
- Epithelial Tumor (3 in progress, 0 open to new patients)
- Epithelioid Sarcoma (1 in progress, 0 open to new patients)
- Epstein Barr Virus (3 in progress, 1 open to new patients)
- Erectile Dysfunction (1 in progress, 0 open to new patients)
- Erythroleukoplakia (1 in progress, 1 open to new patients)
- Esophageal Cancer (26 in progress, 13 open to new patients)
- Esophagogastric Junction (1 in progress, 0 open to new patients)
- Essential Thrombocythemia (1 in progress, 0 open to new patients)
- Ewing Sarcoma (8 in progress, 0 open to new patients)
- Exon 14 Skipping (1 in progress, 1 open to new patients)
- Exophthalmos (1 in progress, 0 open to new patients)
- Exotropia (1 in progress, 0 open to new patients)
- Extracorporeal Membrane Oxygenation (2 in progress, 1 open to new patients)
- Extragonadal Embryonal Carcinoma (1 in progress, 1 open to new patients)
- Extraskeletal Myxoid Chondrosarcoma (1 in progress, 0 open to new patients)
- Extraskeletal Osteosarcoma (1 in progress, 0 open to new patients)
- Fabry Disease (4 in progress, 2 open to new patients)
- Facio-Scapulo-Humeral Dystrophy (2 in progress, 1 open to new patients)
- Facioscapulohumeral Muscular Dystrophy (3 in progress, 2 open to new patients)
- Factor IX Deficiency (1 in progress, 1 open to new patients)
- Factor VIII Deficiency (1 in progress, 1 open to new patients)
- Fallopian Tube Cancer (17 in progress, 7 open to new patients)
- Fallopian Tube High Grade Serous Adenocarcinoma (1 in progress, 0 open to new patients)
- Familial Adenomatous Polyposis (1 in progress, 1 open to new patients)
- Family (1 in progress, 0 open to new patients)
- Family Economic Security (1 in progress, 1 open to new patients)
- Fatigue (1 in progress, 1 open to new patients)
- Fear (4 in progress, 3 open to new patients)
- Fecal Microbiota Transplant (1 in progress, 0 open to new patients)
- Female Reproductive System Neoplasm (1 in progress, 0 open to new patients)
- Fetal Arrhythmia (1 in progress, 1 open to new patients)
- FGFR Gene Alteration (2 in progress, 1 open to new patients)
- Fibrodysplasia Ossificans Progressiva (1 in progress, 0 open to new patients)
- Fibrohistiocytic Neoplasm (1 in progress, 0 open to new patients)
- Fibrolamellar Carcinoma (2 in progress, 0 open to new patients)
- Fibrosis (18 in progress, 14 open to new patients)
- Fibroxanthoma (1 in progress, 0 open to new patients)
- FIGO (2 in progress, 0 open to new patients)
- First Episode Psychosis (2 in progress, 2 open to new patients)
- First Line Platinum Chemotherapy (1 in progress, 0 open to new patients)
- Fistula (3 in progress, 2 open to new patients)
- FMD (2 in progress, 1 open to new patients)
- FMD2 (2 in progress, 1 open to new patients)
- FMS-like Tyrosine Kinase-3 (FLT3) Mutations (1 in progress, 0 open to new patients)
- Focal Segmental Glomerulosclerosis (2 in progress, 1 open to new patients)
- Food Addiction (1 in progress, 1 open to new patients)
- Food Allergies (1 in progress, 0 open to new patients)
- Food Insecurity (1 in progress, 1 open to new patients)
- Fractures, Closed (1 in progress, 1 open to new patients)
- Frailty (3 in progress, 3 open to new patients)
- Friedreich's Ataxia (8 in progress, 1 open to new patients)
- Frontotemporal Dementia (3 in progress, 1 open to new patients)
- Frontotemporal Lobar Degeneration (1 in progress, 1 open to new patients)
- FSH (2 in progress, 1 open to new patients)
- Fuchs' Dystrophy (2 in progress, 1 open to new patients)
- Fuchs Endothelial Corneal Dystrophy (2 in progress, 1 open to new patients)
- Functional Constipation (1 in progress, 1 open to new patients)
- Functional Mitral Regurgitation (1 in progress, 1 open to new patients)
- Fungal Infection (1 in progress, 1 open to new patients)
- Fungemia (1 in progress, 1 open to new patients)
- GAD (1 in progress, 1 open to new patients)
- Gallbladder Carcinoma (1 in progress, 0 open to new patients)
- Ganglioneuroblastoma (3 in progress, 1 open to new patients)
- Ganglioneuroma (1 in progress, 1 open to new patients)
- Gastric Adenocarcinoma (6 in progress, 3 open to new patients)
- Gastroesophageal Junction Cancer (17 in progress, 6 open to new patients)
- Gastrointestinal Bleeding (1 in progress, 1 open to new patients)
- Gastrointestinal Cancer (5 in progress, 4 open to new patients)
- Gastrointestinal Stromal Tumor (3 in progress, 1 open to new patients)
- Gastrointestinal Tract Malignancies (1 in progress, 1 open to new patients)
- Gastroparesis (1 in progress, 0 open to new patients)
- Gene Therapy (1 in progress, 1 open to new patients)
- Genital Hemorrhage (1 in progress, 1 open to new patients)
- Genital Neoplasms (1 in progress, 0 open to new patients)
- Geographic Atrophy (5 in progress, 2 open to new patients)
- GEP-NET (1 in progress, 1 open to new patients)
- Germ Cell Tumor (7 in progress, 1 open to new patients)
- Gestational Diabetes (2 in progress, 1 open to new patients)
- Giant Cell Tumor of Bone (1 in progress, 0 open to new patients)
- Giant-Cell Tumor of Tendon Sheath (1 in progress, 1 open to new patients)
- Glaucoma (2 in progress, 1 open to new patients)
- Glioblastoma (24 in progress, 9 open to new patients)
- Glioma (42 in progress, 16 open to new patients)
- Gliosarcoma (2 in progress, 0 open to new patients)
- Glomerulonephritis (9 in progress, 4 open to new patients)
- Glucose Intolerance (2 in progress, 0 open to new patients)
- Glycolytic Index (1 in progress, 1 open to new patients)
- Gonococcal Infection (1 in progress, 0 open to new patients)
- Gonorrhea (4 in progress, 0 open to new patients)
- Good Pasture Syndrome (1 in progress, 0 open to new patients)
- Goodpasture Syndrome (1 in progress, 0 open to new patients)
- Gorlin Syndrome (1 in progress, 1 open to new patients)
- Gout (3 in progress, 0 open to new patients)
- Graft Versus Host Disease (5 in progress, 3 open to new patients)
- Grafting, Kidney (1 in progress, 0 open to new patients)
- Granular Cell Tumor (1 in progress, 0 open to new patients)
- Graves Orbitopathy (1 in progress, 0 open to new patients)
- Growth Hormone Deficiency (1 in progress, 0 open to new patients)
- Gut Microbiome (1 in progress, 0 open to new patients)
- Gynecologic Cancer (1 in progress, 0 open to new patients)
- H3 K27M (1 in progress, 1 open to new patients)
- Hashimoto (1 in progress, 0 open to new patients)
- hATTR (1 in progress, 1 open to new patients)
- Head and Neck Cancer (28 in progress, 18 open to new patients)
- Head and Neck Squamous Cell Carcinoma (23 in progress, 12 open to new patients)
- Head and Neck Tumor (7 in progress, 6 open to new patients)
- Head Injury (1 in progress, 0 open to new patients)
- Headache (2 in progress, 0 open to new patients)
- Health (1 in progress, 1 open to new patients)
- Health Care (1 in progress, 1 open to new patients)
- Health Care Utilization (1 in progress, 1 open to new patients)
- Health Complaints (1 in progress, 1 open to new patients)
- Health Disparities (1 in progress, 1 open to new patients)
- Health Knowledge, Attitudes, Practice (1 in progress, 1 open to new patients)
- Health Maintenance (7 in progress, 1 open to new patients)
- Health Promotion (1 in progress, 0 open to new patients)
- Healthcare (1 in progress, 0 open to new patients)
- Hearing Loss (2 in progress, 1 open to new patients)
- Heart Attack (11 in progress, 1 open to new patients)
- Heart Conditions (6 in progress, 5 open to new patients)
- Heart Disease (11 in progress, 5 open to new patients)
- Heart Failure (12 in progress, 5 open to new patients)
- Heart Transplant (3 in progress, 0 open to new patients)
- Heart Valve Disease (1 in progress, 1 open to new patients)
- Hematochezia (1 in progress, 0 open to new patients)
- Hematologic Disease (2 in progress, 1 open to new patients)
- Hematologic Disorder (1 in progress, 1 open to new patients)
- Hematologic Malignancy (18 in progress, 7 open to new patients)
- Hematologic Neoplasms (16 in progress, 7 open to new patients)
- Hematoma (2 in progress, 1 open to new patients)
- Hematopoietic and Lymphatic System Neoplasm (3 in progress, 0 open to new patients)
- Hematopoietic and Lymphoid Cell Neoplasm (4 in progress, 1 open to new patients)
- Hematopoietic Cell Transplantation (11 in progress, 8 open to new patients)
- Hemolytic-Uremic Syndrome (1 in progress, 1 open to new patients)
- Hemophagocytic Lymphohistiocytosis (2 in progress, 1 open to new patients)
- Hemophilia (3 in progress, 3 open to new patients)
- Hemorrhage (1 in progress, 0 open to new patients)
- Hemorrhagic Stroke (5 in progress, 3 open to new patients)
- Hepatic Encephalopathy (1 in progress, 0 open to new patients)
- Hepatitis (2 in progress, 0 open to new patients)
- Hepatitis A (2 in progress, 0 open to new patients)
- Hepatitis B (1 in progress, 0 open to new patients)
- Hepatoblastoma (6 in progress, 0 open to new patients)
- Hepatocellular Cancer (16 in progress, 8 open to new patients)
- Hepatotoxicity (1 in progress, 1 open to new patients)
- HER-2 Gene Amplification (1 in progress, 0 open to new patients)
- HER-2 Protein Overexpression (1 in progress, 0 open to new patients)
- HER2 (32 in progress, 11 open to new patients)
- Heredodegenerative Disorders, Nervous System (1 in progress, 0 open to new patients)
- Hernia (1 in progress, 1 open to new patients)
- HGF (1 in progress, 1 open to new patients)
- HGSOC (1 in progress, 0 open to new patients)
- HHT (1 in progress, 1 open to new patients)
- HIF2α Inhibitor (1 in progress, 0 open to new patients)
- High Blood Pressure (25 in progress, 12 open to new patients)
- Hip Injuries (1 in progress, 1 open to new patients)
- Hip Replacement (1 in progress, 1 open to new patients)
- Histiocytic and Dendritic Cell Neoplasm (2 in progress, 0 open to new patients)
- Histiocytic Disorders (1 in progress, 1 open to new patients)
- HIV/AIDS (44 in progress, 14 open to new patients)
- HIV-Associated Dementia (5 in progress, 0 open to new patients)
- Hodgkin's Lymphoma (10 in progress, 1 open to new patients)
- Homelessness (3 in progress, 0 open to new patients)
- Homologous Recombination Deficiency (1 in progress, 1 open to new patients)
- Hookah Smoking (1 in progress, 0 open to new patients)
- Hormone Receptor Positive Breast Cancer (8 in progress, 2 open to new patients)
- Hormones (1 in progress, 0 open to new patients)
- Housing (1 in progress, 0 open to new patients)
- Human Papillomavirus (9 in progress, 2 open to new patients)
- Humerus Fracture (2 in progress, 2 open to new patients)
- Hunter Syndrome (2 in progress, 1 open to new patients)
- Huntington's Disease (1 in progress, 1 open to new patients)
- Hyperaldosteronism (1 in progress, 1 open to new patients)
- Hypercholesterolaemia (1 in progress, 1 open to new patients)
- Hyperphosphatemia (1 in progress, 1 open to new patients)
- Hypersensitivity (1 in progress, 0 open to new patients)
- Hypersensitivity, Food (1 in progress, 0 open to new patients)
- Hypersensitivity Pneumonitis (1 in progress, 1 open to new patients)
- Hypertriglyceridemia (1 in progress, 0 open to new patients)
- Hypervascular Tumors (1 in progress, 0 open to new patients)
- Hypokalemia (1 in progress, 1 open to new patients)
- Hypoparathyroidism (1 in progress, 0 open to new patients)
- Hypopharynx Cancer (1 in progress, 0 open to new patients)
- Hypoplastic Left Heart Syndrome (1 in progress, 1 open to new patients)
- Hypothyroidism (1 in progress, 1 open to new patients)
- Hypoxemic Respiratory Failure (1 in progress, 1 open to new patients)
- Hypoxia (3 in progress, 2 open to new patients)
- IC-MPGN (2 in progress, 1 open to new patients)
- IDH1 Gene Mutation (1 in progress, 0 open to new patients)
- IDH2 Gene Mutation (4 in progress, 0 open to new patients)
- Idiopathic Pulmonary Fibrosis (8 in progress, 5 open to new patients)
- Idiopathic Short Stature (1 in progress, 1 open to new patients)
- IgA Nephropathy (5 in progress, 1 open to new patients)
- IGF1R (1 in progress, 0 open to new patients)
- Immune Thrombocytopenia (1 in progress, 0 open to new patients)
- Immunocompromised (1 in progress, 0 open to new patients)
- Immunodeficiency (15 in progress, 6 open to new patients)
- Immunologic Deficiency Syndrome, Acquired (1 in progress, 0 open to new patients)
- Immunological Tolerance (2 in progress, 1 open to new patients)
- Immunosuppression (1 in progress, 0 open to new patients)
- Immunotherapy (18 in progress, 6 open to new patients)
- Implementation Science (1 in progress, 0 open to new patients)
- Inclusion Body Myositis (2 in progress, 0 open to new patients)
- Indeterminate Lesions (1 in progress, 0 open to new patients)
- Indeterminate Lesions of Eye (1 in progress, 1 open to new patients)
- Induced Hypothermia (2 in progress, 2 open to new patients)
- Infantile Spasms (1 in progress, 0 open to new patients)
- Infection in Solid Organ Transplant Recipients (1 in progress, 0 open to new patients)
- Inflammation (3 in progress, 3 open to new patients)
- Inflammatory Bowel Disease (6 in progress, 3 open to new patients)
- Inflammatory Myofibroblastic Tumor (1 in progress, 0 open to new patients)
- Infusion Reactions (1 in progress, 1 open to new patients)
- Injuries (2 in progress, 0 open to new patients)
- Injury Traumatic (2 in progress, 0 open to new patients)
- Insomnia (6 in progress, 4 open to new patients)
- Intellectual Disability (1 in progress, 0 open to new patients)
- Intermediate/High-Risk MDS (1 in progress, 0 open to new patients)
- Internal Carotid Artery Stenosis (1 in progress, 0 open to new patients)
- Internalizing Mental Health Symptoms (1 in progress, 1 open to new patients)
- Interstitial Cystitis (3 in progress, 2 open to new patients)
- Interstitial Lung Disease (13 in progress, 8 open to new patients)
- Intoxication by Drug (2 in progress, 1 open to new patients)
- Intracranial Hemorrhage (4 in progress, 3 open to new patients)
- Intramural Hematoma (1 in progress, 1 open to new patients)
- Intraventricular Hemorrhage (1 in progress, 0 open to new patients)
- Invasive Candidiasis (1 in progress, 1 open to new patients)
- Invasive Ductal Carcinoma (1 in progress, 0 open to new patients)
- Invasive Fungal Disease (1 in progress, 1 open to new patients)
- Irritable Bowel Syndrome (2 in progress, 2 open to new patients)
- Ischemic (1 in progress, 1 open to new patients)
- Ischemic Heart Disease (1 in progress, 0 open to new patients)
- Ischemic Stroke (9 in progress, 5 open to new patients)
- ISM (1 in progress, 0 open to new patients)
- Joint Infection (1 in progress, 1 open to new patients)
- Juvenile Xanthogranuloma (1 in progress, 0 open to new patients)
- Kaposi's Sarcoma (1 in progress, 0 open to new patients)
- Kawasaki Disease (1 in progress, 1 open to new patients)
- Ketamine (1 in progress, 1 open to new patients)
- Ketogenic Diet (1 in progress, 0 open to new patients)
- Kidney Cancer (36 in progress, 18 open to new patients)
- Kidney Disease (25 in progress, 12 open to new patients)
- Kidney Medullary Carcinoma (1 in progress, 1 open to new patients)
- Kidney Neoplasm (12 in progress, 8 open to new patients)
- Kidney Oncocytoma (1 in progress, 1 open to new patients)
- Kidney Stones (2 in progress, 1 open to new patients)
- Kidney Transplant (16 in progress, 5 open to new patients)
- KMT2Ar (2 in progress, 2 open to new patients)
- Knee Cartilage Injury (1 in progress, 0 open to new patients)
- Knee Replacement (1 in progress, 0 open to new patients)
- KRAS G12A (1 in progress, 0 open to new patients)
- KRAS G12C (2 in progress, 1 open to new patients)
- KRAS G12D (3 in progress, 1 open to new patients)
- KRAS G12R (2 in progress, 0 open to new patients)
- KRAS G12S (1 in progress, 0 open to new patients)
- KRAS G12V (2 in progress, 1 open to new patients)
- KRAS G13D (1 in progress, 0 open to new patients)
- KRAS Mutation-Related Tumors (1 in progress, 1 open to new patients)
- KRAS/NRAS Mutation (1 in progress, 1 open to new patients)
- Langerhans Cell Histiocytosis (6 in progress, 1 open to new patients)
- Laryngeal Cancer (1 in progress, 0 open to new patients)
- Lateral Epicondylitis, Unspecified Elbow (1 in progress, 1 open to new patients)
- Left Ventricular Dysfunction (2 in progress, 1 open to new patients)
- Left Ventricular Hypertrophy (1 in progress, 0 open to new patients)
- Left Ventricular Systolic Dysfunction (1 in progress, 1 open to new patients)
- Leiomyosarcoma (5 in progress, 1 open to new patients)
- Lennox-Gastaut Syndrome (4 in progress, 0 open to new patients)
- Leukemia (87 in progress, 27 open to new patients)
- Leukocyte Adhesion Deficiency (1 in progress, 0 open to new patients)
- Leukoplakia (1 in progress, 1 open to new patients)
- Lewy Body Dementia (4 in progress, 2 open to new patients)
- Limbal Stem-cell Deficiency (1 in progress, 1 open to new patients)
- Lip SCC (1 in progress, 0 open to new patients)
- Liposarcoma (4 in progress, 1 open to new patients)
- Liquid Biopsy (1 in progress, 1 open to new patients)
- Liver Cancer (19 in progress, 10 open to new patients)
- Liver Disease (5 in progress, 2 open to new patients)
- Liver Injury (1 in progress, 1 open to new patients)
- Liver Transplant (3 in progress, 1 open to new patients)
- Louis Bar Syndrome (1 in progress, 1 open to new patients)
- Low Birth Weight (3 in progress, 1 open to new patients)
- Low Positive Affect (1 in progress, 1 open to new patients)
- Low Vision (2 in progress, 2 open to new patients)
- Low Vision Aids (1 in progress, 1 open to new patients)
- Lower Back Pain (4 in progress, 4 open to new patients)
- Lower Respiratory Tract Infection (1 in progress, 0 open to new patients)
- Lumbar Spinal Stenosis (1 in progress, 1 open to new patients)
- Lumbar Spine Injury (1 in progress, 1 open to new patients)
- Lung Cancer (113 in progress, 50 open to new patients)
- Lung Diseases (4 in progress, 2 open to new patients)
- Lung Transplant (9 in progress, 6 open to new patients)
- Lung Tumor (61 in progress, 23 open to new patients)
- Lupus (13 in progress, 6 open to new patients)
- Lymphangioleiomyomatosis (1 in progress, 1 open to new patients)
- Lymphedema (1 in progress, 0 open to new patients)
- Lymphoid Malignancies (1 in progress, 1 open to new patients)
- Lymphoma (93 in progress, 30 open to new patients)
- Lymphoproliferative Disorders (3 in progress, 1 open to new patients)
- Machado–Joseph Disease (3 in progress, 1 open to new patients)
- Macrocephaly (1 in progress, 1 open to new patients)
- Macrophage Activation Syndrome (1 in progress, 0 open to new patients)
- Macular Degeneration (9 in progress, 4 open to new patients)
- Macular Edema (2 in progress, 1 open to new patients)
- Malignancies (2 in progress, 1 open to new patients)
- Malignant Neoplasm (18 in progress, 8 open to new patients)
- Malignant Tumor (1 in progress, 0 open to new patients)
- Malnutrition (1 in progress, 1 open to new patients)
- Mantle Cell Lymphoma (9 in progress, 3 open to new patients)
- MAPT Gene Mutation (1 in progress, 1 open to new patients)
- MAS (1 in progress, 0 open to new patients)
- Mastocytosis (1 in progress, 0 open to new patients)
- Mastocytosis, Indolent (1 in progress, 0 open to new patients)
- Mastocytosis, Systemic (1 in progress, 0 open to new patients)
- Mature B-Cell Malignancies (1 in progress, 0 open to new patients)
- MDM2 Gene Mutation (1 in progress, 1 open to new patients)
- MDMA (2 in progress, 0 open to new patients)
- Mechanical Circulatory Support (1 in progress, 1 open to new patients)
- Medical Student Firearm Epidemiology Knowledge (1 in progress, 0 open to new patients)
- Medical Student Firearm Safety Knowledge (1 in progress, 0 open to new patients)
- Medulloblastoma (8 in progress, 0 open to new patients)
- Melanocytic Neoplasm (1 in progress, 1 open to new patients)
- Membranous Nephropathy (2 in progress, 2 open to new patients)
- Memory Deficit (1 in progress, 0 open to new patients)
- Memory, Delayed (2 in progress, 2 open to new patients)
- Memory Disorders (1 in progress, 1 open to new patients)
- Meningioma (3 in progress, 2 open to new patients)
- Menopause (1 in progress, 1 open to new patients)
- Menorrhagia (1 in progress, 1 open to new patients)
- Mental Disorder (8 in progress, 5 open to new patients)
- Mental Health (10 in progress, 6 open to new patients)
- Merkel Cell Carcinoma (2 in progress, 2 open to new patients)
- Mesoblastic Nephroma (2 in progress, 2 open to new patients)
- MESOM (1 in progress, 1 open to new patients)
- Mesothelioma (8 in progress, 5 open to new patients)
- MET Alteration (1 in progress, 1 open to new patients)
- MET Amplification (1 in progress, 1 open to new patients)
- MET Fusion (1 in progress, 1 open to new patients)
- Metabolic Disease (2 in progress, 2 open to new patients)
- Metachromatic Leukodystrophy (1 in progress, 0 open to new patients)
- Metanephric Adenofibroma (1 in progress, 1 open to new patients)
- Metanephric Adenoma (1 in progress, 1 open to new patients)
- Metanephric Stromal Tumor (1 in progress, 1 open to new patients)
- Metanephric Tumor (1 in progress, 1 open to new patients)
- Metapneumovirus (1 in progress, 0 open to new patients)
- Metastases (2 in progress, 1 open to new patients)
- Metastatic Cancer (9 in progress, 2 open to new patients)
- Metastatic Castration-Resistant Prostate Cancer (24 in progress, 10 open to new patients)
- Metastatic Osteosarcoma (1 in progress, 0 open to new patients)
- Metformin (1 in progress, 1 open to new patients)
- Methamphetamines (3 in progress, 2 open to new patients)
- Methicillin-resistant Staphylococcus Aureus (1 in progress, 0 open to new patients)
- Methylmalonic Acidemia (2 in progress, 2 open to new patients)
- Microbiome (1 in progress, 0 open to new patients)
- Microsatellite Instability (3 in progress, 3 open to new patients)
- Mid-membranous Vocal Fold Lesion (1 in progress, 0 open to new patients)
- Mild Cognitive Impairment (7 in progress, 5 open to new patients)
- Minimal Change Disease (1 in progress, 1 open to new patients)
- Minimal Residual Disease (1 in progress, 0 open to new patients)
- Minimally Invasive Surgical Procedures (1 in progress, 1 open to new patients)
- Mismatch Repair Deficiency (2 in progress, 2 open to new patients)
- Mitral Valve Insufficiency (1 in progress, 1 open to new patients)
- MLL Rearrangement (1 in progress, 1 open to new patients)
- Mold Infection (1 in progress, 1 open to new patients)
- MONITOR (1 in progress, 1 open to new patients)
- Mood Instability (1 in progress, 1 open to new patients)
- Mpox (2 in progress, 0 open to new patients)
- MRI (5 in progress, 2 open to new patients)
- MSA-C (1 in progress, 0 open to new patients)
- Mucinous Adenocarcinoma (3 in progress, 0 open to new patients)
- Mucopolysaccharidosis (3 in progress, 1 open to new patients)
- Mucopolysaccharidosis Type I (1 in progress, 0 open to new patients)
- Mucopolysaccharidosis Type VI (1 in progress, 0 open to new patients)
- Multimorbidity (1 in progress, 0 open to new patients)
- Multiple Myeloma (23 in progress, 9 open to new patients)
- Multiple Organ Dysfunction Syndrome (1 in progress, 1 open to new patients)
- Multiple Pulmonary Nodules (1 in progress, 0 open to new patients)
- Multiple Sclerosis (4 in progress, 2 open to new patients)
- Multiple System Atrophy (4 in progress, 3 open to new patients)
- Multisystem Inflammatory Syndrome in Children (1 in progress, 1 open to new patients)
- Multisystem Inflammatory Syndrome in Adults (1 in progress, 1 open to new patients)
- Muscular Atrophy (2 in progress, 2 open to new patients)
- Muscular Dystrophies (3 in progress, 1 open to new patients)
- Musculoskeletal Diseases (1 in progress, 0 open to new patients)
- Mycoses (1 in progress, 1 open to new patients)
- Mycosis Fungoides (1 in progress, 0 open to new patients)
- Myelodysplastic Syndrome (20 in progress, 8 open to new patients)
- Myelofibrosis (6 in progress, 3 open to new patients)
- Myeloid Neoplasm (1 in progress, 0 open to new patients)
- Myeloid or Lymphoid Neoplasms (MLN) (1 in progress, 0 open to new patients)
- Myeloma, Plasma-Cell (1 in progress, 1 open to new patients)
- Myelomatosis (1 in progress, 1 open to new patients)
- Myeloproliferative Disorders (1 in progress, 0 open to new patients)
- Myeloproliferative Neoplasms (6 in progress, 1 open to new patients)
- Myocarditis (1 in progress, 1 open to new patients)
- Myopathy (6 in progress, 2 open to new patients)
- Myositis (3 in progress, 2 open to new patients)
- Myotonia (1 in progress, 0 open to new patients)
- Myotonic Disorders (2 in progress, 0 open to new patients)
- Myotonic Dystrophy (5 in progress, 2 open to new patients)
- Myxofibrosarcoma (3 in progress, 0 open to new patients)
- Nasopharyngeal Cancer (1 in progress, 0 open to new patients)
- Nasopharynx Cancer (1 in progress, 0 open to new patients)
- Necrotizing Enterocolitis (1 in progress, 0 open to new patients)
- Neoplasms (126 in progress, 63 open to new patients)
- Neoplasm Metastasis (7 in progress, 2 open to new patients)
- Neoplasm of Uncertain Malignant Potential (1 in progress, 1 open to new patients)
- Neoplasms, Liver (1 in progress, 1 open to new patients)
- Neovascular AMD (1 in progress, 1 open to new patients)
- Nephropathy (1 in progress, 0 open to new patients)
- Nephrotic Syndrome (1 in progress, 1 open to new patients)
- Nerve Sheath Neoplasm (1 in progress, 0 open to new patients)
- Neuroblastoma (10 in progress, 1 open to new patients)
- Neurocognitive Disorder (4 in progress, 2 open to new patients)
- Neurodegenerative Disease (2 in progress, 0 open to new patients)
- Neuroendocrine Carcinoma (3 in progress, 0 open to new patients)
- Neuroendocrine Neoplasm (2 in progress, 2 open to new patients)
- Neuroendocrine Tumor (9 in progress, 5 open to new patients)
- Neurofibromatosis (4 in progress, 1 open to new patients)
- Neuroimaging (9 in progress, 5 open to new patients)
- Neurologic Injury (1 in progress, 0 open to new patients)
- Neurological Disorders (1 in progress, 1 open to new patients)
- Neuropathy (1 in progress, 0 open to new patients)
- Neurotrophic Keratitis (1 in progress, 0 open to new patients)
- Neurovascular (1 in progress, 1 open to new patients)
- Nicotine (1 in progress, 0 open to new patients)
- NIDDM (1 in progress, 1 open to new patients)
- Nocturia (1 in progress, 1 open to new patients)
- Nodule Solitary Pulmonary (1 in progress, 0 open to new patients)
- Non-healing Wound (1 in progress, 1 open to new patients)
- Non-Hodgkin Lymphoma (42 in progress, 14 open to new patients)
- Non-Small Cell Lung Cancer (98 in progress, 40 open to new patients)
- Non ST Segment Elevation Myocardial Infarction (1 in progress, 0 open to new patients)
- Nonalcoholic Fatty Liver Disease (1 in progress, 0 open to new patients)
- Nonalcoholic Steatohepatitis (1 in progress, 0 open to new patients)
- Nosebleed (1 in progress, 1 open to new patients)
- NPM1 Mutation (2 in progress, 2 open to new patients)
- NRAS G12C (1 in progress, 0 open to new patients)
- NRAS G12D (2 in progress, 0 open to new patients)
- NRAS G12R (2 in progress, 0 open to new patients)
- NRAS G12S (1 in progress, 0 open to new patients)
- NRAS G12V (1 in progress, 0 open to new patients)
- NSTEMI (1 in progress, 0 open to new patients)
- NSTEMI - Non-ST Segment Elevation MI (1 in progress, 0 open to new patients)
- Nutrition (1 in progress, 1 open to new patients)
- Obesity (14 in progress, 11 open to new patients)
- Obsessive-Compulsive Disorder (1 in progress, 0 open to new patients)
- Ocular Hypertension (1 in progress, 1 open to new patients)
- Ocular Melanoma (10 in progress, 6 open to new patients)
- Oligodendroglioma (2 in progress, 1 open to new patients)
- Oophorectomy (1 in progress, 1 open to new patients)
- Opioid Use (7 in progress, 2 open to new patients)
- Oral Cavity Cancer (1 in progress, 0 open to new patients)
- Oral Leukoplakia (1 in progress, 1 open to new patients)
- Orbital Diseases (1 in progress, 0 open to new patients)
- Ornithine Transcarbamylase Deficiency (2 in progress, 2 open to new patients)
- Oropharyngeal Cancer (2 in progress, 0 open to new patients)
- Oropharynx Cancer (2 in progress, 0 open to new patients)
- Ossifying Renal Tumor of Infancy (1 in progress, 1 open to new patients)
- Osteoarthritis (3 in progress, 2 open to new patients)
- Osteogenesis Imperfecta (5 in progress, 3 open to new patients)
- Osteomyelitis (2 in progress, 2 open to new patients)
- Osteoporosis (1 in progress, 1 open to new patients)
- Osteosarcoma (9 in progress, 1 open to new patients)
- OTC Deficiency (1 in progress, 1 open to new patients)
- Outcomes (1 in progress, 0 open to new patients)
- Ovarian Cancer (50 in progress, 25 open to new patients)
- Ovarian Embryonal Carcinoma (1 in progress, 1 open to new patients)
- Ovarian Epithelial Cancer (1 in progress, 0 open to new patients)
- Ovarian Epithelial Carcinoma (21 in progress, 7 open to new patients)
- Ovarian Granulosa Cell Tumor (1 in progress, 0 open to new patients)
- Ovarian Granulosa-Stromal Tumor (1 in progress, 0 open to new patients)
- Ovarian Mucinous Cystadenocarcinoma (1 in progress, 0 open to new patients)
- Ovarian Seromucinous Carcinoma (2 in progress, 0 open to new patients)
- Ovarian Serous Adenocarcinoma (3 in progress, 0 open to new patients)
- Ovarian Tumor (1 in progress, 1 open to new patients)
- Ovarian Undifferentiated Carcinoma (2 in progress, 0 open to new patients)
- Ovary Cancer (1 in progress, 1 open to new patients)
- P53 Mutation (1 in progress, 1 open to new patients)
- Pain (14 in progress, 12 open to new patients)
- Pain Threshold (1 in progress, 0 open to new patients)
- PALB2 Gene Mutation (1 in progress, 1 open to new patients)
- Pancreatic Cancer (37 in progress, 29 open to new patients)
- Pancreatic Cyst (2 in progress, 2 open to new patients)
- Pancreatic Ductal Adenocarcinoma (23 in progress, 16 open to new patients)
- Pancreatic Ductal Carcinoma (2 in progress, 1 open to new patients)
- Pancreatic Neoplasms (21 in progress, 18 open to new patients)
- Pancreatic NET (1 in progress, 1 open to new patients)
- Pancreatic Neuroendocrine Neoplasm (1 in progress, 1 open to new patients)
- Panic Disorder (1 in progress, 1 open to new patients)
- Parainfluenza (1 in progress, 0 open to new patients)
- Parathyroid Diseases (1 in progress, 0 open to new patients)
- Parental Stress (1 in progress, 1 open to new patients)
- Parkinsonism (1 in progress, 1 open to new patients)
- Parkinson's Disease (9 in progress, 4 open to new patients)
- Paroxysmal Nocturnal Hemoglobinuria (1 in progress, 0 open to new patients)
- Patent Foramen Ovale (1 in progress, 0 open to new patients)
- Pathologic Processes (1 in progress, 1 open to new patients)
- PD-L1 Negative (1 in progress, 0 open to new patients)
- PD-L1 Positive (1 in progress, 0 open to new patients)
- Peanut Allergy (4 in progress, 1 open to new patients)
- PEComa (1 in progress, 0 open to new patients)
- Pelvic Fracture (1 in progress, 1 open to new patients)
- Pelvic Organ Prolapse (1 in progress, 1 open to new patients)
- Penetrating Ulcer (1 in progress, 1 open to new patients)
- Percutaneous Coronary Intervention (1 in progress, 0 open to new patients)
- Percutaneous Coronary Revascularization (1 in progress, 0 open to new patients)
- Pericytic Neoplasm (1 in progress, 0 open to new patients)
- Peripheral Artery Disease (25 in progress, 11 open to new patients)
- Peripheral Artery Occlusion (1 in progress, 0 open to new patients)
- Peripheral Artery Thrombosis (1 in progress, 0 open to new patients)
- Peripheral Ischemia (1 in progress, 0 open to new patients)
- Peripheral Nerve Sheath Tumor (2 in progress, 0 open to new patients)
- Peripheral Nerve Sheath Tumors (MPNST) (1 in progress, 1 open to new patients)
- Peritoneal (2 in progress, 1 open to new patients)
- Peritoneal Cancer (13 in progress, 5 open to new patients)
- Peritoneal Cavity Cancer (1 in progress, 1 open to new patients)
- Peritoneal Effusion (1 in progress, 0 open to new patients)
- Peritoneal High Grade Serous Adenocarcinoma (1 in progress, 0 open to new patients)
- Peritoneal Serous Adenocarcinoma (2 in progress, 0 open to new patients)
- Peritoneal Undifferentiated Carcinoma (1 in progress, 0 open to new patients)
- Pheochromocytoma (3 in progress, 2 open to new patients)
- Phobia (1 in progress, 1 open to new patients)
- Phobic Disorders (1 in progress, 1 open to new patients)
- Physical Health (1 in progress, 0 open to new patients)
- Physical Illness (1 in progress, 1 open to new patients)
- Physician Workflow (1 in progress, 0 open to new patients)
- Physiological Effects of Drugs (1 in progress, 0 open to new patients)
- PIK3CA Mutation (2 in progress, 0 open to new patients)
- Platelet Disorder (1 in progress, 1 open to new patients)
- Pleural Neoplasm (1 in progress, 1 open to new patients)
- Plexiform Fibrohistiocytic Tumor (1 in progress, 0 open to new patients)
- Plexiform Neurofibroma (1 in progress, 0 open to new patients)
- Pneumoconiosis (1 in progress, 1 open to new patients)
- Pneumocystis (1 in progress, 1 open to new patients)
- Pneumonia (4 in progress, 4 open to new patients)
- Polycythemia Vera (4 in progress, 0 open to new patients)
- Polymyositis (1 in progress, 1 open to new patients)
- Porphyria (1 in progress, 0 open to new patients)
- Positive Affect (1 in progress, 1 open to new patients)
- Post-essential Thrombocythemia Myelofibrosis (1 in progress, 0 open to new patients)
- Post-ET Myelofibrosis (1 in progress, 1 open to new patients)
- Post-PV MF (1 in progress, 1 open to new patients)
- Post-Transplant Lymphoproliferative Disease (1 in progress, 0 open to new patients)
- Post-Traumatic Headache (1 in progress, 0 open to new patients)
- Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder (13 in progress, 6 open to new patients)
- Postmenopausal (1 in progress, 0 open to new patients)
- Postoperative Pain (4 in progress, 4 open to new patients)
- Postpartum Depression (1 in progress, 1 open to new patients)
- Prediabetes (4 in progress, 1 open to new patients)
- Prednisolone (1 in progress, 0 open to new patients)
- Prednisone (1 in progress, 0 open to new patients)
- Pregnancy (4 in progress, 4 open to new patients)
- Premature (1 in progress, 1 open to new patients)
- Premature Birth (6 in progress, 3 open to new patients)
- Premature Ventricular Contractions (1 in progress, 0 open to new patients)
- Preoperative Aerobic Training (1 in progress, 0 open to new patients)
- PrEP (5 in progress, 3 open to new patients)
- Preventive Health Services (2 in progress, 1 open to new patients)
- Primary Biliary Cholangitis (1 in progress, 1 open to new patients)
- Primary Immunodeficiency Diseases (2 in progress, 2 open to new patients)
- Primary Myelofibrosis (6 in progress, 3 open to new patients)
- Primary Progressive Aphasia (3 in progress, 1 open to new patients)
- Primitive Neuroectodermal Tumor (8 in progress, 0 open to new patients)
- Prion Disease (1 in progress, 0 open to new patients)
- Prodromal Symptoms (1 in progress, 0 open to new patients)
- Progesterone Receptor Positive Tumor (1 in progress, 0 open to new patients)
- Progressive Disease (1 in progress, 1 open to new patients)
- Progressive Muscular Dystrophy (2 in progress, 1 open to new patients)
- Progressive Nonfluent Aphasia (1 in progress, 1 open to new patients)
- Progressive Supranuclear Palsy (2 in progress, 2 open to new patients)
- Prophylaxis of Invasive Fungal Infections (1 in progress, 1 open to new patients)
- Propionic Acidemia (2 in progress, 2 open to new patients)
- Proptosis (1 in progress, 0 open to new patients)
- Prostate Cancer (78 in progress, 32 open to new patients)
- Prostate Disease (1 in progress, 0 open to new patients)
- Prostate Neuroendocrine Neoplasm (1 in progress, 0 open to new patients)
- Prostate Specific Antigen Test (1 in progress, 0 open to new patients)
- Pruritus (1 in progress, 0 open to new patients)
- PSA Progression (1 in progress, 0 open to new patients)
- Pseudoaneurysm (1 in progress, 1 open to new patients)
- Psilocybin (3 in progress, 2 open to new patients)
- Psoriasis (4 in progress, 1 open to new patients)
- Psychosocial Functioning (1 in progress, 1 open to new patients)
- Psychotherapy (1 in progress, 0 open to new patients)
- Psychotic Disorders (7 in progress, 5 open to new patients)
- PTEN Hamartoma Tumor Syndrome (1 in progress, 1 open to new patients)
- Public Speaking Anxiety (1 in progress, 1 open to new patients)
- Pulmonary Arterial Hypertension (17 in progress, 9 open to new patients)
- Pulmonary Circulation Diseases (1 in progress, 1 open to new patients)
- Pulmonary Disease (4 in progress, 0 open to new patients)
- Pulmonary Embolism (7 in progress, 3 open to new patients)
- Pulmonary Hypertension (20 in progress, 11 open to new patients)
- Pulmonary Regurgitation (2 in progress, 0 open to new patients)
- Pyelonephritis (1 in progress, 1 open to new patients)
- Pyelonephritis Acute (1 in progress, 1 open to new patients)
- Quadriplegia (1 in progress, 1 open to new patients)
- Quality of Life (2 in progress, 2 open to new patients)
- Racism (1 in progress, 1 open to new patients)
- Radiation Necrosis (1 in progress, 1 open to new patients)
- Radiation Pneumonitis (1 in progress, 1 open to new patients)
- Rare Bleeding Disorder (1 in progress, 1 open to new patients)
- RAS Mutation (1 in progress, 1 open to new patients)
- RCC (1 in progress, 0 open to new patients)
- Recovery, Physiological (1 in progress, 0 open to new patients)
- Rectal Cancer (6 in progress, 3 open to new patients)
- Recurrent Osteosarcoma (6 in progress, 0 open to new patients)
- Recurrent Tumor (1 in progress, 1 open to new patients)
- Refractory Osteosarcoma (6 in progress, 0 open to new patients)
- Regional Citrate Anticoagulation (RCA) (1 in progress, 0 open to new patients)
- Relapsing-Remitting Multiple Sclerosis (1 in progress, 1 open to new patients)
- REM Sleep Behavior Disorder (2 in progress, 1 open to new patients)
- REM Sleep Parasomnias (2 in progress, 1 open to new patients)
- Renal Cell Carcinoma (29 in progress, 13 open to new patients)
- Renal Failure (1 in progress, 0 open to new patients)
- Renal Injury (1 in progress, 1 open to new patients)
- Renal Insufficiency (1 in progress, 1 open to new patients)
- Renal Mass (1 in progress, 1 open to new patients)
- Respiratory Complication (1 in progress, 0 open to new patients)
- Respiratory Distress Syndrome (2 in progress, 2 open to new patients)
- Respiratory Failure (1 in progress, 1 open to new patients)
- Respiratory Insufficiency (1 in progress, 1 open to new patients)
- Respiratory Therapy (1 in progress, 1 open to new patients)
- Respiratory Tract Disease (2 in progress, 1 open to new patients)
- Reticular Dysgenesis (1 in progress, 0 open to new patients)
- Retinitis Pigmentosa (1 in progress, 0 open to new patients)
- Retinopathy of Prematurity (2 in progress, 1 open to new patients)
- Retroviridae Infections (1 in progress, 0 open to new patients)
- Rhabdoid Tumor (6 in progress, 1 open to new patients)
- Rhabdomyosarcoma (11 in progress, 2 open to new patients)
- Rheumatic Joint Disease (1 in progress, 1 open to new patients)
- Rheumatoid Arthritis (4 in progress, 3 open to new patients)
- Richter's Syndrome (2 in progress, 1 open to new patients)
- Richter's Transformation (1 in progress, 0 open to new patients)
- Right Heart Dysfunction (1 in progress, 1 open to new patients)
- RNA Virus Infections (1 in progress, 0 open to new patients)
- RSV (2 in progress, 0 open to new patients)
- RVOT Anomaly (1 in progress, 0 open to new patients)
- Sacral Fracture (1 in progress, 1 open to new patients)
- Sanfilippo Syndrome (1 in progress, 0 open to new patients)
- Sarcoma (30 in progress, 10 open to new patients)
- Sarcopenia (1 in progress, 1 open to new patients)
- Schizoaffective Disorder (3 in progress, 2 open to new patients)
- Schizophrenia (8 in progress, 4 open to new patients)
- Schizophreniform Disorder (1 in progress, 1 open to new patients)
- Schwannoma (2 in progress, 0 open to new patients)
- Scleroderma (2 in progress, 1 open to new patients)
- Scleroderma, Limited (1 in progress, 1 open to new patients)
- Secondary Hemophagocytic Lymphohistiocytosis (1 in progress, 0 open to new patients)
- Secondary Hyperparathyroidism (1 in progress, 1 open to new patients)
- Secondhand Aerosol (1 in progress, 0 open to new patients)
- Sedation (1 in progress, 0 open to new patients)
- Seizures (10 in progress, 3 open to new patients)
- Self-management (1 in progress, 1 open to new patients)
- Semantic Variant Primary Progressive Aphasia (1 in progress, 1 open to new patients)
- Seminoma (2 in progress, 1 open to new patients)
- Senescence (1 in progress, 1 open to new patients)
- Sensorineural Hearing Loss (1 in progress, 0 open to new patients)
- Serous Carcinoma (1 in progress, 0 open to new patients)
- Severe Combined Immunodeficiency (6 in progress, 4 open to new patients)
- Sexually Transmitted Infections (4 in progress, 1 open to new patients)
- Sezary Disease (1 in progress, 0 open to new patients)
- Shashi-Pena Syndrome (1 in progress, 1 open to new patients)
- Short Bowel Syndrome (1 in progress, 0 open to new patients)
- Shortness of Breath/Dyspnea (1 in progress, 1 open to new patients)
- Sickle Cell Anemia (12 in progress, 5 open to new patients)
- Siewert Type 1 GEJ Cancer (1 in progress, 1 open to new patients)
- Single Gene NIPT (1 in progress, 0 open to new patients)
- Sinonasal Carcinoma (1 in progress, 0 open to new patients)
- Sinus Infection (1 in progress, 0 open to new patients)
- Sinusitis (1 in progress, 0 open to new patients)
- SJIA (1 in progress, 0 open to new patients)
- Skin Cancer/Melanoma (50 in progress, 22 open to new patients)
- Skin Diseases (1 in progress, 1 open to new patients)
- Skin Glomus Tumor (1 in progress, 0 open to new patients)
- Skin Infection (2 in progress, 1 open to new patients)
- Sleep (2 in progress, 1 open to new patients)
- Sleep Apnea (5 in progress, 4 open to new patients)
- Sleep Disorders (13 in progress, 9 open to new patients)
- Sleep Restriction (2 in progress, 0 open to new patients)
- Small Cell Carcinoma (6 in progress, 1 open to new patients)
- Small Lymphocytic Lymphoma (12 in progress, 6 open to new patients)
- SMARCA4-Deficient Tumor (1 in progress, 0 open to new patients)
- SMARCA4 Gene Mutation (1 in progress, 1 open to new patients)
- Smoking Cessation (3 in progress, 2 open to new patients)
- Smoldering Systemic Mastocytosis (1 in progress, 0 open to new patients)
- Social Anxiety (1 in progress, 1 open to new patients)
- Social Determinants of Health (SDOH) (1 in progress, 0 open to new patients)
- Social Interaction (1 in progress, 0 open to new patients)
- Social Psychology (1 in progress, 1 open to new patients)
- Soft Tissue Sarcoma (13 in progress, 3 open to new patients)
- Solid Malignancies (1 in progress, 1 open to new patients)
- Solid Neoplasm (18 in progress, 7 open to new patients)
- Solid Tumor (137 in progress, 77 open to new patients)
- Specified Bipolar and Related Disorder (1 in progress, 1 open to new patients)
- Spinal Column Tumor (1 in progress, 0 open to new patients)
- Spinal Cord Injury (4 in progress, 3 open to new patients)
- Spinal Fusion (1 in progress, 1 open to new patients)
- Spinal Muscular Atrophy (2 in progress, 2 open to new patients)
- Spinocerebellar Ataxia (3 in progress, 1 open to new patients)
- Spleen Injury (1 in progress, 1 open to new patients)
- Spondylosis (1 in progress, 1 open to new patients)
- Spontaneous Coronary Artery Dissection (1 in progress, 1 open to new patients)
- Sporadic Inclusion Body Myositis (1 in progress, 0 open to new patients)
- Squamous Cell Carcinoma (34 in progress, 16 open to new patients)
- Squamous Intraepithelial Lesion (1 in progress, 0 open to new patients)
- SSM (1 in progress, 0 open to new patients)
- ST-Elevation Myocardial Infarction (2 in progress, 0 open to new patients)
- Stable Angina (1 in progress, 1 open to new patients)
- Staphylococcus Aureus (1 in progress, 1 open to new patients)
- Staphylococcus Aureus Bacteremia (1 in progress, 1 open to new patients)
- Stargardt Disease (2 in progress, 1 open to new patients)
- Steatohepatitis (1 in progress, 0 open to new patients)
- Steinert (1 in progress, 0 open to new patients)
- Steinert Disease (1 in progress, 0 open to new patients)
- Stem Cell Transplant (12 in progress, 6 open to new patients)
- Steroid Synthesis Inhibitors (1 in progress, 0 open to new patients)
- Still Disease (1 in progress, 0 open to new patients)
- Stomach Cancer (28 in progress, 16 open to new patients)
- Stress (16 in progress, 7 open to new patients)
- Stress Fractures (1 in progress, 0 open to new patients)
- Stress Incontinence (1 in progress, 1 open to new patients)
- Stress, Physiological (1 in progress, 0 open to new patients)
- Stress Reaction (1 in progress, 0 open to new patients)
- Stroke (17 in progress, 8 open to new patients)
- Stromal Neoplasm (1 in progress, 1 open to new patients)
- Subarachnoid Hemorrhage (1 in progress, 1 open to new patients)
- Substance Abuse (12 in progress, 9 open to new patients)
- Suicidal Ideation (2 in progress, 1 open to new patients)
- Suicidality (2 in progress, 0 open to new patients)
- Suicide (2 in progress, 2 open to new patients)
- Suicide and Self-harm (1 in progress, 1 open to new patients)
- Surgical Procedures, Operative (1 in progress, 1 open to new patients)
- Syncope (1 in progress, 1 open to new patients)
- Synovial Sarcoma (3 in progress, 0 open to new patients)
- Syphilis (2 in progress, 1 open to new patients)
- Systemic Sclerosis (10 in progress, 5 open to new patients)
- T Cell Lymphoma (5 in progress, 1 open to new patients)
- Tachycardia (3 in progress, 1 open to new patients)
- TBK1 Gene Mutation (1 in progress, 1 open to new patients)
- Telangiectasia (7 in progress, 5 open to new patients)
- Telehealth (1 in progress, 1 open to new patients)
- Tenofovir (1 in progress, 0 open to new patients)
- Tenosynovial Giant Cell Tumor (1 in progress, 1 open to new patients)
- Teratoma (2 in progress, 2 open to new patients)
- Testicular Cancer (3 in progress, 2 open to new patients)
- Tetralogy of Fallot (2 in progress, 0 open to new patients)
- Tetraparesis (1 in progress, 0 open to new patients)
- Tetraplegia (1 in progress, 0 open to new patients)
- Thalassemia (1 in progress, 1 open to new patients)
- Thoracic Tumors (1 in progress, 1 open to new patients)
- Thrombophilia (1 in progress, 1 open to new patients)
- Thrombosis (1 in progress, 1 open to new patients)
- Thymus Neoplasm (1 in progress, 1 open to new patients)
- Thyroid (1 in progress, 0 open to new patients)
- Thyroid Cancer (14 in progress, 6 open to new patients)
- Thyroid Diseases (1 in progress, 0 open to new patients)
- Thyroid Eye Disease (1 in progress, 0 open to new patients)
- Thyroid Gland Nodule (1 in progress, 0 open to new patients)
- Tobacco (3 in progress, 2 open to new patients)
- Tooth Decay (1 in progress, 1 open to new patients)
- Tourette Syndrome (1 in progress, 1 open to new patients)
- Transcatheter Pulmonary Valve Replacement (1 in progress, 0 open to new patients)
- Transcranial Direct Current Stimulation (1 in progress, 0 open to new patients)
- Transcranial Magnetic Stimulation (9 in progress, 3 open to new patients)
- Transgender Health (2 in progress, 1 open to new patients)
- Transient Ischemic Attack (2 in progress, 2 open to new patients)
- Transitional Cell Carcinoma (25 in progress, 12 open to new patients)
- Transplants (28 in progress, 13 open to new patients)
- Transthyretin Amyloidosis (1 in progress, 1 open to new patients)
- Transthyretin-Mediated Amyloidosis (1 in progress, 1 open to new patients)
- Trauma (2 in progress, 0 open to new patients)
- Traumatic Brain Injury (4 in progress, 1 open to new patients)
- Treatment Adherence (4 in progress, 0 open to new patients)
- Tricuspid Valve Disease (1 in progress, 1 open to new patients)
- Tricuspid Valve Insufficiency (1 in progress, 1 open to new patients)
- Tricuspid Valve Regurgitation (1 in progress, 1 open to new patients)
- Triple-Negative Breast Cancer (11 in progress, 5 open to new patients)
- Triton Tumor (1 in progress, 0 open to new patients)
- TSC1 (1 in progress, 0 open to new patients)
- TSC2 (1 in progress, 0 open to new patients)
- Tuberculosis (1 in progress, 1 open to new patients)
- Tuberous Sclerosis (8 in progress, 3 open to new patients)
- Tumors (3 in progress, 1 open to new patients)
- Tumor, Benign (1 in progress, 1 open to new patients)
- Type 1 Hypersensitivity (1 in progress, 0 open to new patients)
- Type2diabetes (2 in progress, 2 open to new patients)
- Ulcerative Colitis (3 in progress, 2 open to new patients)
- Unhoused (1 in progress, 0 open to new patients)
- Unstable Angina (1 in progress, 1 open to new patients)
- Upper Gastrointestinal Hemorrhage (1 in progress, 1 open to new patients)
- Upper Gastrointestinal Tract Adenocarcinoma (1 in progress, 0 open to new patients)
- Upper Limb Spasticity (1 in progress, 0 open to new patients)
- Urea Cycle Disorders (1 in progress, 1 open to new patients)
- Urea Cycle Disorders, Inborn (1 in progress, 1 open to new patients)
- Ureteral Cancer (1 in progress, 1 open to new patients)
- Ureteral Diseases (1 in progress, 1 open to new patients)
- Urethral Cancer (1 in progress, 0 open to new patients)
- Urinary Bladder Diseases (1 in progress, 1 open to new patients)
- Urinary Bladder Tumor (21 in progress, 10 open to new patients)
- Urinary Incontinence (3 in progress, 2 open to new patients)
- Urinary Tract Infection (1 in progress, 1 open to new patients)
- Urogenital Neoplasms (1 in progress, 0 open to new patients)
- Urologic Neoplasms (1 in progress, 1 open to new patients)
- Urological Disorders (1 in progress, 1 open to new patients)
- Uterine Cancer (7 in progress, 3 open to new patients)
- Uterine Fibroids (2 in progress, 0 open to new patients)
- Uveitis (4 in progress, 2 open to new patients)
- Vaccine (18 in progress, 5 open to new patients)
- Vaginal Delivery (1 in progress, 1 open to new patients)
- Vaping (1 in progress, 0 open to new patients)
- Vascular Access (1 in progress, 0 open to new patients)
- Vascular Cognitive Impairment (1 in progress, 1 open to new patients)
- Vascular Death (1 in progress, 0 open to new patients)
- Vascular Dementia (3 in progress, 1 open to new patients)
- Vascular Disease (5 in progress, 3 open to new patients)
- Vascular Malformation (1 in progress, 1 open to new patients)
- Vascular Parkinsonism (1 in progress, 1 open to new patients)
- Vascular Stiffness (1 in progress, 0 open to new patients)
- Vascular System Injuries (1 in progress, 1 open to new patients)
- Venous Thromboembolism (1 in progress, 0 open to new patients)
- Venous Thrombosis (3 in progress, 0 open to new patients)
- Ventricular Fibrillation (1 in progress, 1 open to new patients)
- Ventricular Tachycardia (2 in progress, 1 open to new patients)
- Von Willebrand Disease (2 in progress, 2 open to new patients)
- Waldenstrom Macroglobulinemia (5 in progress, 2 open to new patients)
- Weight Loss (4 in progress, 4 open to new patients)
- Weight Management (1 in progress, 1 open to new patients)
- Wilms Tumor (8 in progress, 2 open to new patients)
- Wilson's Disease (1 in progress, 0 open to new patients)
- Work-Related Condition (1 in progress, 1 open to new patients)
- Wounds and Injuries (1 in progress, 1 open to new patients)
- X-Linked Severe Combined Immunodeficiency (2 in progress, 1 open to new patients)