Depression clinical trials at UCLA
27 in progress, 12 open to eligible people
Aging and Reward System Response to Inflammation and Anxiety Study
open to eligible people ages 60-80
The purpose of this study is to use an experimental inflammatory challenge to examine whether older adults with symptoms of anxiety experience loss of pleasure or loss of motivation when they are exposed to inflammation. Loss of pleasure or loss of motivation will be evaluated using self-report questionnaires, computer tasks, and during a brain scan.
Los Angeles, California
Pain and Major Depressive Disorder
open to eligible people ages 18-75
This study will examine the effects of brain stimulation on pain symptoms associated with Major depressive disorder. This study will enroll 54 Subjects. Study subjects will be asked to complete surveys about their mood and well-being, 2 blood draws, 2 MRIs, 3 electroencephalograms, and receive 30 treatments of blinded transcranial magnetic stimulation. There is no control group as all subjects will receive some form of active treatment. Subjects are required to participate in 30-33 study visits and volunteer 40 hours of their time. Compensation for this study is $150 for completing all study activities.
Los Angeles, California
Affect Treatment for Depression and Anxiety
open to eligible people ages 18-65
The purpose of this study is to evaluate the efficacy and mediators of change in Positive Affect Treatment, a psychotherapy specifically aimed at enhancing reward sensitivity in individuals with low positive affect (a core feature of anhedonia) in the context of depression or anxiety. Target enrollment is 100 male and female participants with low positive affect and depression or anxiety and impaired functioning, between the ages of 18 and 65 years, who will be randomized to either Positive Affect Treatment or Negative Affect Treatment (designed to reduce threat sensitivity). Participants will complete laboratory tests, psychiatric assessments, and self-report questionnaires as part of the study. The total length of participation is around 5 months.
Los Angeles, California and other locations
Evaluating tDCS Brain-stimulation in Depression Using MRI
open to eligible people ages 20-55
Patients, physicians, and those who fund depression research are keenly interested in depression treatments that do not involve taking medications. One promising candidate treatment is transcranial direct current stimulation (tDCS), a low-cost technique that involves placing electrodes on specific scalp locations and using a 9-volt battery to cause a small amount of electricity to pass through parts of the brain. Depending on the direction of electrical flow, tDCS can make brain cells (neurons) more likely or less likely to generate their own electrical signals. When evaluated as a treatment, tDCS is typically done in daily sessions over a period of two weeks. One of the challenges of tDCS is to work out the best possible positioning of electrodes and direction of electricity flow to gradually cause lasting changes in brain activity in ways that might be expected to improve depression. To address this challenge, the investigators are using MRI to take pictures of the brain during tDCS. This data will help us better understand the short-term effects of tDCS in depression and help us learn how to customize future treatments to cause a lasting beneficial response. Patients with depression between the ages of 20-55 years are eligible to take part in this research. Potential participants will undergo: 1. An assessment to confirm eligibility. This will take place over a secure videoconference call lasting no more than 3 hours. 2. Two in-person study visits lasting 30 min and 2-1/2 hours respectively. In the first visit, the investigators will use the MRI to take a picture of the brain and head structure to determine appropriate locations for placing the tDCS electrodes at the start of the second visit. Following electrode placement, an MRI scan will be performed to take pictures of the brain during tDCS. Depending on the study arm, 1. Participants may receive 'active' or 'sham' tDCS. The 'sham' condition is identical to the 'active' tDCS in every way except that it involves minimal tDCS and is designed to help rule out effects unrelated to the administered tDCS electricity. 2. Participants may also be asked to perform a mental task during MRI. All participants will be compensated $150 + parking upon completion of all study-visits.
Los Angeles, California
Healthcare Providers as Trusted Messengers to Increase Receipt of Tax Credits Among Low-income Families
open to eligible people ages 18-99
The purpose of this study is to pilot test the feasibility, acceptability, and preliminary efficacy of healthcare provider referrals to a tax filing app within parent-child health programs to test whether such referrals can increase receipt of tax credits among low-income parents. The study will use a single-group, pre/post test design with a sample of approximately 100 women who have a child under 6 years of age. Participants will be recruited from parental-child health programs and clinics in Los Angeles and will complete surveys at baseline, immediately after tax filing season, and six months after tax filing season to assess 1) frequency of tax filing after referral (Feasibility), 2) the acceptability of the tax filing app from the perspective of users (Acceptability), and 3) pre/posttest changes to parent and child health, child development, and healthcare utilization measures for users (preliminary efficacy).
Los Angeles, California
Mindful Self-Compassion to Address PTSD and Substance Use in Unhoused Women
open to eligible females ages 18 years and up
Trauma exposure, posttraumatic stress disorder (PTSD), and substance use disorder (SUD) present major threats to public health. PTSD and SUD are major correlates of disability, often resulting in severe social and occupational impairment. Comorbidity between PTSD and SUD (PTSD/SUD) is common and frequently co-occurs with other mental health ailments including depression, anxiety, and suicidality. Comorbidity may be amplified in groups vulnerable to high trauma exposure, such as women with low socioeconomic status including women experiencing homelessness (WEH). Moreover, the reciprocal nature of PTSD/SUD (substances are used to cope with PTSD symptoms; substance use can create high-risk situations for new traumas to occur), can create a cycle of trauma and symptomatology leading to a critical health disparity. PTSD/SUD can be costly and difficult to treat, with treatment completion often low and relapse rates often high. Low-cost, complementary interventions, such as self-compassion (SC) interventions, which target key mechanisms that maintain PTSD/SUD, could improve treatment outcomes. SC interventions include practices that build skills to improve emotional responses, cognitive understanding, and mindfulness. Recent research supports the benefit of SC interventions for reducing PTSD, SUD, and related comorbidities, potentially with large effects. However, sample sizes have generally been small and randomized designs infrequently used. Moreover, while SC interventions may act to improve key mechanisms of treatment response and/or symptom maintenance (e.g., emotion regulation/dysregulation, trauma-related guilt, trauma-related shame, moral injury, and craving), such mediating factors have been underexplored. To address these limitations, the present proposal will implement community-based research principles and use a two phase, mixed-method design to adapt and test a widely used SC intervention (Mindful Self Compassion; MSC) for use with a sample of WEH with PTSD/SUD. The project will be conducted in partnership with a state-funded drug treatment facility that serves women and families experiencing high health disparities. Phase I was completed in 2023 and adapted the standard MSC course for use with trauma-exposed WEH with PTSD/SUD using the ADAPT-ITT model, an eight-stage model that engages community partners to increase feasibility and acceptability of interventions for at-risk populations. Phase II will be an open-label cluster randomized clinical trial (N=202) to test the benefit of the adapted MSC at improving primary (PTSD, substance use) and secondary outcomes (depression, anxiety, hopelessness) among a sample of WEH with PTSD/SUD residing in a residential drug treatment site. MSC (n=101) will be compared to Treatment as Usual (TAU; n=101). WEH in the MSC group will complete a 6-week (six sessions plus a half-day retreat) MSC intervention. The TAU group will engage in weekly check-ins with the research team but will not receive an intervention. WEH will be assessed at baseline, immediately post-intervention, and at a 4-month follow-up. One-on-one interviews will be conducted with the MSC group to collect qualitative data on experiences. An exploratory aim will be to elucidate mechanism of treatment-response and maintenance or remission of PTSD symptoms. These potential mechanisms will include SC, emotion regulation/dysregulation, trauma-related guilt, trauma-related shame, moral injury, and craving. Results may inform treatment for PTSD/SUD in WEH and other groups experiencing high health disparities and provide valuable insights into mechanisms underlying PTSD/SUD symptoms over time. Findings are relevant to military populations, which experience high rates of PTSD/SUD, and other populations disproportionately exposed to trauma.
Pomona, California
Project 2: Optimizing Engagement and Outcomes in STAND Digital Therapy
open to eligible people ages 18-40
The goal is to optimize peer coaching in order to optimize engagement and outcomes in digital therapy. The unmet mental health needs of community college students are staggering and a growing body of research demonstrates that therapy provided digitally with the assistance of trained community members without advanced degrees in mental health is an effective and scalable way to address these needs. Despite being effective for improving symptoms and functioning in those who engage in it, uptake and engagement in digital therapy is generally quite low. Recent research suggests that this is especially true of Latinx individuals, who tend to have unique and significant unmet mental health needs. To address these issues, Project 2 will examine treatment engagement, treatment satisfaction, symptoms and functioning outcomes among Latinx students at East Los Angeles College (ELAC) receiving digital therapy with peer coaching in the STAND program.
Los Angeles, California
Psilocybin-assisted CBT for Depression
open to eligible people ages 21-60
The primary objectives of this clinical investigation are to (1) determine the acceptability and feasibility of joining psilocybin-assisted therapy with cognitive-behavioral therapy (PA-CBT) for patients with depression, (2) optimize CBT to most effectively integrate the psilocybin experience with psychotherapy and (3) examine the clinical benefit of psilocybin as an adjunct to cognitive-behavioral therapy (CBT) for major depressive disorder. This study has two phases. Phase I will involve an open trial of PA-CBT where participants will receive two doses of psilocybin (10mg and then 25mg, separated by one month) plus 12 sessions of cognitive behavioral therapy. Phase II will be a randomized, two-arm, fixed dose trial that will test the feasibility, acceptability, and participant and therapist adherence to PA-CBT. Both treatment arms will receive two doses of psilocybin (10mg and then 25mg, separated by one month). In Phase II, participants will be randomized (1:1) to either a 12-session PA-CBT or a 6-session standard psilocybin-assisted therapy (PAT) condition (3 hours of preparation plus 3 hours of supportive therapy integration following the psilocybin experiences).
Los Angeles, California
Resources, Inspiration, Support and Empowerment (RISE) for Black Pregnant Women
open to eligible females ages 18-65
Perinatal Mood and Anxiety Disorders (PMADs) encompass a range of mental health disorders that occur during pregnancy and up to one year postpartum. Approximately 13% of women experience PMADs. This rate doubles for those with adverse perinatal outcomes (APO) and triples in Black women. Recent research points to racism as one significant source of these health disparities. Cultural adaptations to improve communication with providers decrease rates of depression in minority patients as well as improve adherence to treatment, insight and alliance. Discrimination stress and worries about experiencing medical consequences are thought to increase systemic inflammation, a mechanism known to drive mental and physical symptoms. Inflammation has been implicated in both PMADs and APO, suggesting a shared underlying etiology. Evidence from our work suggests that inflammation contributes to the pathophysiology of PMADs. The proposed pilot randomized control trial will allow the investigators to build on promising preliminary results and identify whether our culturally relevant mobile Health (mHealth) intervention is effective in improving outcomes among Black pregnant women randomized to the intervention compared to a control group. The culturally relevant modules include building communication and self-advocacy skills and provide a support network. The primary objective of this research is to provide guidance for clinical care of Black women during the perinatal period, with the goal to improve mental health and physical health outcomes. A secondary goal is to examine novel inflammatory signatures that change as a function of the intervention to reduce PMADs in this population. As inflammation may be diagnostic of PMADs, identification of its role may shed light of potential intervention targets and provide critical knowledge to improve women's long-term health. PMAD symptoms will be assessed prospectively in 150 Black pregnant women, half of whom will be randomized to receive the culturally relevant mHealth intervention. The investigators hypothesize that women in the intervention group will have reduced rates of PMADs and APOs, an increase in adherence to mental health treatment and will report increased self-advocacy skills, increased communication with providers, and reduced levels of discrimination related stress. Participants will also have improved biological risk indicators including lower circulating C-reactive protein and a transcription profile of differentially expressed inflammatory genes, marked by a decreased activity of inflammatory transcription factors from blood spots. Given the high burden of both PMADs and APOs among Black mothers and the numerous consequences on maternal and child outcomes, it is imperative that investigators develop and implement effective interventions, and test the biological mechanisms that might drive these effects. This work is interdisciplinary, building on a network of community advocates to implement a novel mHealth intervention informed by real world experiences designed to enhance self-advocacy, reduce stress and prevent adverse outcomes
Los Angeles, California
S.T.A.N.D. Alacrity Center Signature Project
open to eligible people ages 18-40
The purpose of this study is to evaluate clinical decision-making algorithms for (a) triaging to level of care and (b) adapting level of care in a low income, highly diverse sample of community college students at East Los Angeles College (ELAC). The target enrollment is 200 participants per year, for five years (N=1000). Participants are between the ages of 18 and 40 years and will be randomized into either symptom severity decision-making (SSD) or data-driven decision-making (DDD). Participants in each condition will be triaged to one of three levels of care, including self-guided online prevention, coach-guided online cognitive behavioral therapy, and clinician-delivered care. After initial triaging, level of care will be adapted throughout the entire time of the study enrollment. Participants will complete computerized assessments and self-report questionnaires as part of the study. Recruitment will take place in the first two to four months of each academic year. The total length of participation is 40 weeks.
Los Angeles, California
Virtual Reality-Reward Training for Anhedonia
open to eligible people ages 18 years and up
The purpose of this study is to compare the effects of Virtual Reality-Reward Training (VR-RT) with an active control condition, Virtual Reality-Memory Training (VR-MT), on positive affect and other clinical symptoms. VR-Reward Training is a novel intervention aimed at enhancing savoring of positive experiences among individuals with depression and low positive affect through guided imaginal recounting following immersion in positive VR experiences. Target enrollment is 80 male and female participants with low positive affect, depression, and impaired functioning, who are at least 18 years old, who will be randomly assigned to 7 weeks of either Virtual Reality-Reward Training (VR-RT) or Virtual Reality-Memory Training (VR-MT). Participants will complete in-person VR sessions, laboratory assessments, self-report questionnaires as part of the study. The total length of participation is around 3 months.
Los Angeles, California
Inflammatory and Glutamatergic Mechanisms of Sustained Threat in Adolescents With Depression
open to eligible people ages 14-21
Despite the prevalence and significant public health concern over depression among adolescents, up to 40% of depressed adolescents do not respond to first-line antidepressants (herein termed treatment non-response, TNR). The goal of this project is to recruit and assess 160 treatment-seeking depressed adolescents and test whether acute stress impacts peripheral levels of inflammation and downstream levels of glutamate in corticolimbic regions previously associated with depression, whether these stress-related biomarkers predict TNR to a 12-week trial of either fluoxetine or escitalopram, and whether these stress-related biomarkers predict 18-month clinical course.
Los Angeles, California
Assessing Improvements in Mood and Sleep Trial
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This is a multi-site randomized control trial involving people age 55+ years who have current depression symptoms plus another suicide risk indicator (either current suicidal ideation or a past history of attempt). Our goal is evaluate which of two different approaches works best to improve things like trouble sleeping, bad moods, and any suicidality. Participants will complete diagnostic interviews, self-report scales, and wear an actigraphy device for the 8 weeks starting at the baseline visit.
Los Angeles, California and other locations
In-patient SCC TMS
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The investigators are studying the feasibility, safety, and tolerability of administering accelerated repetitive Transcranial magnetic stimulation(a-rTMS) at frequencies other than standard 10 Hz for in-patient Subjects diagnosed with Major Depressive Disorder. Participants will be recruited from the Resnick Neuropsychiatric Hospital. This study will enroll 30 participants who will undergo up to three brain activity recordings, one MRI scan, one TMS procedure to determine the appropriate frequency and intensity for treatment, daily symptom assessments, and 25 TMS treatments. Participants will be asked to participate for up to 2 weeks.
Los Angeles, California
Oral AFA-281 in Patients with Alcohol Use Disorder
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This study will evaluate the safety and exploratory efficacy of AFA-281 in patients with Alcohol use disorder on cravings, subjective response to alcohol, pain thresholds, anxiety, depression, and sleep.
Los Angeles, California
Affect Treatment for Depression and Anxiety (TAD Pilot)
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The goal of this study is to determine whether subjects who do not show expected clinical improvement during the early course of positive affect treatment (PAT) would benefit from switching to an alternative psychosocial treatment (negative affect treatment) that is designed to instead target and improve deficits in threat sensitivity. Participants will complete laboratory tests, psychiatric assessments, and self-report questionnaires as part of the study. The total length of participation is around 5 months.
Los Angeles, California and other locations
By Youth, For Youth: Digital Supported Peer Navigation for Addressing Child Mental Health Inequities
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Black and Latino youth are more likely to experience an unmet mental health or psychosocial need than do their white counterparts. Schools and primary care clinics are ideal hubs to provide mental health, healthcare, social services, and prevention to students and families who otherwise face barriers to care. Using Participatory Design and Community Partnered Participatory Research (CPPR) for app development, mobile technology is designed to optimize access to wellness resources. The proposed intervention is a model of care using technology and navigators for connecting youth ages 13-22 to mental health care and supports. The app is co-created with the community and supported by culturally responsive individuals called family and youth navigators, in schools and primary care clinics. Outcomes are measured using the cascade of care model.
Can Computational Measures of Task Performance Predict Psychiatric Symptoms and Changes in Symptom Severity Across Time
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This study investigates the computational mechanisms associated with psychiatric disease dimensions. The study will characterize the relationship between computational parameter estimates of task performance and psychiatric symptoms and diagnoses with a longitudinal approach over a 12 month interval. Participants will be healthy participants recruited through Prolific an on-line crowdsourcing service, and psychiatric patients and healthy participants recruited via UCLA Psychiatry Clinics and UCLA's STAND Program
Los Angeles, California and other locations
Intravenous (IV) Citalopram Hydrochloride During Transcranial Magnetic Stimulation in Major Depressive Disorder (MDD)
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This study will recruit 30 subjects diagnosed with Major Depressive Disorder (MDD). Subjects will be recieve one infusion treatment of citalopram or placebo and 10 treatments of a form of transcranial magnetic stimulation, theta burst stimulation (TBS). Subjects will also undergo brain scans, quantitative electroencephalography (qEEG) brain activity recordings, and mood surveys. Study activities will be performed over the course of 4 weeks.
Los Angeles, California
Intermittent Theta Burst Stimulation for MDD
Sorry, currently not accepting new patients, but might later
This study will evaluate the effectiveness of intermittent Theta Burst Stimulation for patients with Major Depressive Disorder.
Los Angeles, California
Personalized Brain Stimulation to Treat Chronic Concussive Symptoms
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The goal of this study is to investigate a new treatment for chronic symptoms after concussion or mild traumatic brain injury in people aged 18-65 years old. Chronic symptoms could include dizziness, headache, fatigue, brain fog, memory difficulty, sleep disruption, irritability, or anxiety that occurred or worsened after the injury. These symptoms can interfere with daily functioning, causing difficulty returning to physical activity, work, or school. Previous concussion therapies have not been personalized nor involved direct treatments to the brain itself. The treatment being tested in the present study is a noninvasive, personalized form of brain stimulation, called transcranial magnetic stimulation (TMS). The investigators intend to answer the questions: 1. Does personalized TMS improve brain connectivity after concussion? 2. Does personalized TMS improve avoidance behaviors and chronic concussive symptoms? 3. Do the improvements last up to 2 months post-treatment? 4. Are there predictors of treatment response, or who might respond the best? Participants will undergo 14 total visits to University of California Los Angeles (UCLA): 1. One for the baseline symptom assessments and magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) 2. Ten for TMS administration 3. Three for post-treatment symptom assessments and MRIs Participants will have a 66% chance of being assigned to an active TMS group and 33% chance of being assigned to a sham, or inactive, TMS group. The difference is that the active TMS is more likely to cause functional changes in the brain than the inactive TMS.
Westwood, California
Pramipexole Versus Escitalopram to Treat Major Depressive Disorder (MDD) and Comorbid MDD With Mild Neurocognitive Disorder (MND) in Persons With HIV
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A phase II, randomized, open-label, two-arm clinical trial evaluating the safety and efficacy of pramipexole extended release (ER) versus escitalopram for the treatment of major depressive disorder (MDD) and comorbid MDD with mild neurocognitive disorder (MND) in persons with HIV (PWH). Participants will be assessed comprehensively and briefly at intercurrent visits to monitor for toxicity, response to therapy, and to assess for dose changes. An optional sub-study to evaluate treatment impact on the cerebrospinal fluid (CSF) profile will be conducted in a subset of 36 participants.
Los Angeles, California and other locations
Psychostimulant Augmentation of Repetitive TMS for the Treatment of Major Depressive Disorder
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This study analyzes the affects or Adderall extended-release (XR) in Subjects receiving brain stimulation therapy for the treatment of Major Depressive Disorder. Subjects will be assigned by chance to active or placebo group. Active group will be asked to take one 15 mg pill once daily of Adderall XR (amphetamine) and the Placebo group will be asked take an identical appearing tablet/capsule, one tablet by mouth daily. The placebo tablet has no active ingredients and has no affect on the body or mind. With the exception of the study drug, all other study activities between both groups will be identical. Subjects will use the assigned study drug two weeks before therapy and throughout the first 10 therapy treatments. A total of seven(7) visits will be required for screening, drug assignment, and completion of mood assessments. This study will enroll a total of 30 Subjects.
Los Angeles, California
Resonant Frequency rTMS: A Novel Approach to Target Circuit Modulation in Major Depressive Disorder
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The purpose of the study is to develop a more personalized brain stimulation using repetitive transcranial magnetic stimulation or rTMS approach to treat major depressive disorder (MDD). The investigators had previously developed a personalized rTMS treatment by examining the effectiveness of different rTMS frequency from 5 to 18 Hertz (Hz). The optimal treatment frequency is termed resonance frequency and varies across individuals. There has not been a systematic method to identify the best stimulation frequency in an individual-specific way. In this project, the investigators will identify and compare 3 rTMS frequencies, all targeting the brain region called left dorsolateral prefrontal cortex (DLPFC): 1 that engages brain circuit connectivity the most- the investigators call this resonant frequency (RF)-max (RF-max), 1 that is the lowest ranked resonance frequency called RF-min and 1 that is standard of care treatment - rTMS of 10 Hz as a point of comparison. This study is a multi-sites project that will be conducted at UCLA and Butler hospital. This study will enroll 84 participants with MDD over the course of 4.5 years. Participants will undergo a brain imaging scan or magnetic resonance imaging (MRI), 3 electroencephalograms (or EEG, a measurement of electrical activity of the brain), to identify rTMS resonance frequencies (RFs), 3 sessions of different resonant frequencies of rTMS in combination with EEG, totaling up to 7 in person visits. Participation will take up to 4 weeks.
Los Angeles, California
Spectral Correlation Coefficient-based TMS
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This study will analyze the feasibility, safety, and tolerability of administering repetitive Transcranial magnetic stimulation(TMS) at frequencies other than standard 10 Hz. This study will enroll 10 subjects who will undergo one quantitative electroencephalograph, one TMS procedure to determine the appropriate frequency and intensity for treatment, weekly mood/symptom assessments, and up to 30 TMS treatments. Subjects will be asked to participate for up to 6 weeks.
Los Angeles, California
Treatment ResistAnt Depression Subcallosal CingulatE Network DBS (TRANSCEND)
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The goal of this clinical trial is to evaluate the effectiveness and safety of bilateral stimulation of the subcallosal cingulate white matter (SCCwm) using Deep Brain Stimulation (DBS) as an adjunctive treatment of non-psychotic unipolar Major Depressive Disorder (MDD) in adults.
Los Angeles, California and other locations
Prediction of REsponse to Depression Interventions Using Clinical and TD-fNIRS Measurements
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The purpose of the current study is to perform a unified, homogeneous data collection protocol that includes a large cohort of patients undergoing different treatment options for Major Depressive Disorder (MDD) as an avenue for investigating optimal biomarkers for depression treatments on an individual patient level.
Los Angeles, California and other locations
Our lead scientists for Depression research studies include Scott Wilke, MD Kevin Bickart, MD/PhD Chloe C Boyle, PHD Kate Taylor, Ph.D. Lara Ray, MD Reza Tadayon-nejad, MD PhD Andrew Leuchter, MD Dana Rose Garfin Marc J. Weintraub, PhD.
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