Mental Health clinical trials at UCLA
11 in progress, 6 open to eligible people
Children's Bipolar Network Treatment Trial I
open to eligible people ages 9-19
This is a naturalistic treatment and follow-up study of youth with bipolar spectrum disorders (BSDs) across four US sites of The Childhood Bipolar Network (CBN). CBN sites have expertise in diagnosing, assessing, and treating BSDs in youth. The primary aims of this study are to (1) identify and reliably diagnose youth (ages 9 to 19 yrs) with full bipolar disorder (BD) and BSDs, and (2) examine predictors (e.g., mood instability, inflammatory marker C-reactive protein) of clinical outcome over a 12 month period. Participating youth will initially complete a screening that includes a structured diagnostic interview and a baseline blood draw to measure inflammatory processes. Youth with BSD and parents (80 families) will be asked to participate in multiple follow up research visits with interviews, rating instruments, and questionnaires. Per established CBN guidelines, study psychiatrists will provide and track medication management and sites will also track psychosocial treatments. This study ultimately aims to further understanding of best practice pediatric BSD psychiatric and psychosocial treatments and development of a standardized and validated set of clinical tools for patient assessment, diagnosis, and tracking.
Los Angeles, California and other locations
Adolescent Acts of Kindness Intervention With Reflection
open to eligible people ages 14-17
Adolescents will complete a 4-week intervention, during which they will either complete a kind act for others, complete a kind act for others with a reflection component, or report their daily activities three days per week. Psychological measures will be indexed before and after the intervention.
Los Angeles, California
Pomona Household Universal Grant (HUG) Program
open to eligible people ages 18 years and up
The City of Pomona is launching the Pomona Household Universal Grant (HUG) program in the Summer of 2024. Pomona HUG is a pilot project that will provide 250 parents/caregivers with children under 4 years old $500 a month for 18 months. Pomona's guaranteed income (GI) initiative provides relief for the most economically vulnerable households. The study will investigate the impacts of GI on financial security, material hardship, health and well-being, food security, social support, parenting, and childhood development. The intervention group will be compared to a control group of 350 parents/caregivers receiving only a nominal ($20) amount per month during the 18 month period.
Los Angeles, California
Healthcare Providers as Trusted Messengers to Increase Receipt of Tax Credits Among Low-income Families
open to eligible people ages 18-99
The purpose of this study is to pilot test the feasibility, acceptability, and preliminary efficacy of healthcare provider referrals to a tax filing app within parent-child health programs to test whether such referrals can increase receipt of tax credits among low-income parents. The study will use a single-group, pre/post test design with a sample of approximately 100 women who have a child under 6 years of age. Participants will be recruited from parental-child health programs and clinics in Los Angeles and will complete surveys at baseline, immediately after tax filing season, and six months after tax filing season to assess 1) frequency of tax filing after referral (Feasibility), 2) the acceptability of the tax filing app from the perspective of users (Acceptability), and 3) pre/posttest changes to parent and child health, child development, and healthcare utilization measures for users (preliminary efficacy).
Los Angeles, California
Optimizing Engagement in Services for First-Episode Psychosis
open to eligible people ages 15-35
This study will compare a 12-session behavioral activation (BA) intervention modified for first-episode psychosis (FEP) to usual community mental health care (i.e., treatment-as-usual; TAU) delivered over 6 months with a sample of Latinos with FEP and their families. Comparable family group sessions will also be delivered to participants in both conditions. It is expected that BA participants will show better engagement than TAU participants.
Sylmar, California and other locations
Resources, Inspiration, Support and Empowerment (RISE) for Black Pregnant Women
open to eligible females ages 18-65
Perinatal Mood and Anxiety Disorders (PMADs) encompass a range of mental health disorders that occur during pregnancy and up to one year postpartum. Approximately 13% of women experience PMADs. This rate doubles for those with adverse perinatal outcomes (APO) and triples in Black women. Recent research points to racism as one significant source of these health disparities. Cultural adaptations to improve communication with providers decrease rates of depression in minority patients as well as improve adherence to treatment, insight and alliance. Discrimination stress and worries about experiencing medical consequences are thought to increase systemic inflammation, a mechanism known to drive mental and physical symptoms. Inflammation has been implicated in both PMADs and APO, suggesting a shared underlying etiology. Evidence from our work suggests that inflammation contributes to the pathophysiology of PMADs. The proposed pilot randomized control trial will allow the investigators to build on promising preliminary results and identify whether our culturally relevant mobile Health (mHealth) intervention is effective in improving outcomes among Black pregnant women randomized to the intervention compared to a control group. The culturally relevant modules include building communication and self-advocacy skills and provide a support network. The primary objective of this research is to provide guidance for clinical care of Black women during the perinatal period, with the goal to improve mental health and physical health outcomes. A secondary goal is to examine novel inflammatory signatures that change as a function of the intervention to reduce PMADs in this population. As inflammation may be diagnostic of PMADs, identification of its role may shed light of potential intervention targets and provide critical knowledge to improve women's long-term health. PMAD symptoms will be assessed prospectively in 150 Black pregnant women, half of whom will be randomized to receive the culturally relevant mHealth intervention. The investigators hypothesize that women in the intervention group will have reduced rates of PMADs and APOs, an increase in adherence to mental health treatment and will report increased self-advocacy skills, increased communication with providers, and reduced levels of discrimination related stress. Participants will also have improved biological risk indicators including lower circulating C-reactive protein and a transcription profile of differentially expressed inflammatory genes, marked by a decreased activity of inflammatory transcription factors from blood spots. Given the high burden of both PMADs and APOs among Black mothers and the numerous consequences on maternal and child outcomes, it is imperative that investigators develop and implement effective interventions, and test the biological mechanisms that might drive these effects. This work is interdisciplinary, building on a network of community advocates to implement a novel mHealth intervention informed by real world experiences designed to enhance self-advocacy, reduce stress and prevent adverse outcomes
Los Angeles, California
By Youth, For Youth: Digital Supported Peer Navigation for Addressing Child Mental Health Inequities
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Black and Latino youth are more likely to experience an unmet mental health or psychosocial need than do their white counterparts. Schools and primary care clinics are ideal hubs to provide mental health, healthcare, social services, and prevention to students and families who otherwise face barriers to care. Using Participatory Design and Community Partnered Participatory Research (CPPR) for app development, mobile technology is designed to optimize access to wellness resources. The proposed intervention is a model of care using technology and navigators for connecting youth ages 13-22 to mental health care and supports. The app is co-created with the community and supported by culturally responsive individuals called family and youth navigators, in schools and primary care clinics. Outcomes are measured using the cascade of care model.
Daily Blood Glucose Trends in Patients at Risk for Diabetes
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The goal of this study is to learn about the relationship between blood sugar, diet, stress, and metabolic parameters including waist circumference, body mass index (BMI), cholesterol levels and blood pressure in patients at risk for diabetes. The main questions it aims to answer are 1) are there trends in blood sugar responses after meals for patients at risk of developing diabetes? And 2) are there correlations between stress and fluctuations in blood sugar? During the first visit, participant's waist circumference, body composition, cholesterol, and resting blood pressure will be measured, and a continuous glucose monitor sensor will be placed on the participant's non-dominant arm. This sensor will be worn for seven days, and the participant will be asked to complete a daily food log during that time. Each participant will be asked to return to clinic after one week to return the continuous glucose monitor and daily food log.
Los Angeles, California
RCT for Latina Mental Health Using Web-Based Apps
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This study compares a choice-driven, interactive, evidence-informed storytelling web-based app intervention with links to resources and treatment (Tx) recommendations (made by a character via her blog) and Tx locator, to a web-based app with links to publicly available informational internet videos, MH resources, and a treatment locator for at least moderately anxious/depressed untreated English and Spanish speaking Latinas to determine if a story-based, character-driven approach is more effective for catalyzing mental health treatment initiation.
Stress & Resilience Study
Sorry, in progress, not accepting new patients
Goal 1: The investigators will quantify lifetime stress burden and examine mechanisms linking Adverse Childhood Experiences (ACEs) and health. The investigators will quantify the early life and total lifetime stress burden of a representative sample of about 725 adults (aged 18+) across northern and southern California. In addition, the investigators will examine how prior life stress exposure and current stress levels are associated with differences in psychosocial, immune, metabolic, physiologic, and clinical outcomes for all participants at baseline. Goal 2: The investigators will develop and test a biopsychosocial intervention using existing programs, platforms, resources, and core components from trauma and resilience research that will target five stress-related domains (i.e., cognitive response style, social relationships, eating, sleep, and physical activity) using cognitive restructuring and mindfulness, interpersonal skills training, mindful eating training, sleep training, and behavioral activation/mobility training. The investigators will then assess the efficacy and acceptability of the intervention in about 425 high stress exposure participants from Goal 1. Following their baseline assessment, about 425 participants will be randomly assigned to receive for 12 weeks (a) personalized intervention, (b) environmental education (active control) or (c) nothing (non-active control). The investigators will also assess the efficacy of the personalized intervention by comparing changes in outcomes by condition from baseline (prior to randomization) to immediately after the intervention, and then again after 12 weeks following intervention completion. The interventions will be entirely online/remote.
Los Angeles, California
Supportive Housing on COVID-19 Related Outcomes for People Experiencing Homelessness
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This study aims to understand the comparative effectiveness of two PSH models (PB-PSH and SS-PSH) on quality of life and COVID-19 related health behaviors by following for 6 months a cohort of 800 PEH who have been placed in either PB (n=400) or SS (n=400). In a natural observational experiment, participants will complete 6 monthly mobile-based questionnaires exploring quality of life including physical, mental, social, and housing/environmental health, COVID-19 prevention practices (i.e., handwashing, social distancing, face covering), and past-30-day healthcare utilization. A sub-sample of 40 participants living in both PB-PSH and SS-PSH will be qualitatively interviewed longitudinally to help contextualize quantitative findings. Focus groups will also be conducted with providers of PSH and qualitative interviews will be conducted with other key stakeholders to understand perspectives on the challenges of implementing and sustaining COVID-19 related prevention practices while maintaining a continuity of care.
Los Angeles, California
Our lead scientists for Mental Health research studies include Patricia E Lester, MD Andrew J Fuligni, PhD George M Slavich, PhD David J. Miklowitz, PhD.
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