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Ischemic Stroke clinical trials at UCLA

9 in progress, 4 open to eligible people

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  • Test Asundexian for Preventing a Stroke Caused by a Clot in Participants After an Acute Ischemic Stroke or After a High-risk Transient Ischemic Attack, a So-called Mini Stroke

    open to eligible people ages 18 years and up

    Researchers are looking for a better way to prevent an ischemic stroke which occurs when a blood clot travelled to the brain in people who within the last 72 hours had: - an acute stroke due to a blood clot that formed outside the heart (acute non-cardioembolic ischemic stroke), or - TIA/mini-stroke with a high risk of turning into a stroke (high-risk transient ischemic attack), and who are planned to receive standard of care therapy. Acute ischemic strokes or TIA/mini-stroke result from a blocked or reduced blood flow to a part of the brain. They are caused by blood clots that travel to the brain and block the vessels that supply it. If these blood clots form elsewhere than in the heart, the stroke is called non-cardioembolic. People who already had a non-cardioembolic stroke are more likely to have another stroke. This is why they are treated preventively with an antiplatelet therapy, the current standard of care. Antiplatelet medicines prevent platelets, components of blood clotting, from clumping together. Anticoagulants are another type of medicine that prevents blood clots from forming by interfering with a process known as coagulation (or blood clotting). The study treatment asundexian is a new type of anticoagulant currently under development to provide further treatment options. Asundexian aims to further improve the standard of care without increasing the risk of bleeding. The main purpose of this study is to learn whether asundexian works better than placebo at reducing ischemic strokes in participants who recently had a non-cardioembolic ischemic stroke or TIA/mini-stroke when given in addition to standard antiplatelet therapy. A placebo is a treatment that looks like a medicine but does not have any medicine in it. Another aim is to compare the occurrence of major bleeding events during the study between the asundexian and the placebo group. Major bleedings have a serious or even life-threatening impact on a person's health. Dependent on the treatment group, the participants will either take asundexian or placebo once a day for at least 3 months up to 31 months. Approximately every 3 months during the treatment period, either a phone call or a visit to the study site is scheduled on an alternating basis. In addition, one visit before and up to two visits after the treatment period are planned. During the study, the study team will: - Check vital signs such as blood pressure and heart rate - Examine the participants' heart health using an electrocardiogram (ECG) - Take blood samples - Ask the participants questions about how they are feeling and what adverse events they are having. An adverse event is any medical problem that a participant has during a study. Doctors keep track of all adverse events that happen in studies, even if they do not think the adverse events might be related to the study treatments. In addition, the participants will be asked to complete a questionnaire on quality of life at certain time points during the study.

    Los Angeles, California and other locations

  • Sleep for Stroke Management and Recovery Trial

    open to eligible people ages 18 years and up

    The purpose of this study is to determine whether treatment of obstructive sleep apnea (OSA) with positive airway pressure starting shortly after acute ischemic stroke (1) reduces recurrent stroke, acute coronary syndrome, and all-cause mortality 6 months after the event, and (2) improves stroke outcomes at 3 months in patients who experienced an ischemic stroke.

    Los Angeles, California and other locations

  • SEACOAST 1- SEdAtion With COllAteral Support in Endovascular Therapy for Acute Ischemic Stroke

    open to eligible people ages 18-110

    SEACOAST 1 is a prospective, randomized, blinded endpoint trial comparing collateral vigor and clinical outcomes, with different forms of GA in patients with acute ischemic stroke due to anterior circulation large vessel occlusion (LVO) undergoing mechanical thrombectomy. The study compares GA with normocarbia (GAN) versus GA with mild hypercarbia (GAH), with a primary outcome of collateral robustness at measured at catheter angiography and clinical efficacy as secondary outcome. It is anticipated that the SEACOAST 1 will be followed by a larger, pivotal trial, SEACOAST 2, with primary clinical endpoints, in which the best method of GA identified in SEACOAST 1 is compared with the alternative strategy of anesthesia care (MAC) with minimal or no sedation. The current study focuses uppn SEACOAST 1, which is to be conducted in University of California, Los Angeles Ronald Reagan Medical Center and Santa Monica Medical Center. All acute stroke patients who arrive to one of these two stroke centers and are deemed eligible for thrombectomy will be considered for the proposed study. Physician-investigators will determine study eligibility. Informed consent to participate in the study will be obtained from legally authorized representatives or competent patients. For non-competent patients without on-scene legally authorize representatives, the consent process will utilize enrollment in emergency circumstances with exemption of informed consent (EFIC).

    Los Angeles, California

  • Platelet Expression of FcγRIIa and Arterial Hemodynamics to Predict Recurrent Stroke in Intracranial Atherosclerosis

    open to eligible people ages 30 years and up

    An observational study to determine if individuals with increased platelet FcyRIIa will have a higher risk of ischemic events.

    Los Angeles, California

  • Treatment With Endovascular Intervention for STroke Patients With Existing Disability

    Sorry, not currently recruiting here

    TESTED will compare the risks and benefits of endovascular thrombectomy (EVT) to medical management (no EVT) in ischemic stroke patients who have a blockage in one of the large blood vessels in the brain and have a moderate-to-severe disability prior to their stroke.

    Los Angeles, California and other locations

  • Validation of Early Prognostic Data for Recovery Outcome After Stroke for Future, Higher Yield Trials

    Sorry, not currently recruiting here

    VERIFY will validate biomarkers of upper extremity (UE) motor outcome in the acute ischemic stroke window for immediate use in clinical trials, and explore these biomarkers in acute intracerebral hemorrhage. VERIFY will create the first multicenter, large-scale, prospective dataset of clinical, transmagnetic stimulation (TMS), and MRI measures in the acute stroke time window.

    Los Angeles, California and other locations

  • Hospital Implementation of a Stroke Protocol for Emergency Evaluation and Disposition

    Sorry, not yet accepting patients

    Most stroke patients are initially evaluated at the closest hospital but some need to be transferred to a hospital that can provide more advanced care. The "Door-In-Door-Out" (DIDO) process at the first hospital can take time making transferred patients no longer able to get the advanced treatments. This study will help hospitals across the US "stand up" new ways to evaluate stroke patients, decide who needs to be transferred, and transfer them quickly for advanced treatment.

  • StrokeNet Thrombectomy Endovascular Platform

    Sorry, not yet accepting patients

    STEP is a Randomized, Multifactorial, Adaptive Platform trial that seeks to optimize the care of patients with acute ischemic stroke (AIS) due to large (LVO) or medium vessel occlusions (MVO).

  • Transcranial Direct Current Stimulation for Post-stroke Motor Recovery

    Sorry, in progress, not accepting new patients

    This research study is to find out if brain stimulation at different dosage level combined with an efficacy-proven rehabilitation therapy can improve arm function. The stimulation technique is called transcranial direct current stimulation (tDCS). The treatment uses direct currents to stimulate specific parts of the brain affected by stroke. The adjunctive rehabilitation therapy is called "modified Constraint-Induced Movement Therapy" (mCIMT). During this therapy the subject will wear a mitt on the hand of the arm that was not affected by a stroke and force to use the weak arm. The study will test 3 different doses of brain stimulation in combination with mCIMT to find out the most promising one.

    Los Angeles, California and other locations

Our lead scientists for Ischemic Stroke research studies include .

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