Pelvic Organ Prolapse clinical trials at UCLA
1 research study open to eligible people
EASE: The Materna Prep Pivotal Study
open to eligible females ages 18 years and up
This study is designed to evaluate the safety and effectiveness of the Materna Prep Device in reducing pelvic muscle injuries during vaginal delivery. Subjects are randomized to Materna Prep Device or Standard of Care without use of the Materna Prep Device Intervention with the Materna Prep Device is expected to be a one-time use of approximately 30-90 minutes during the 1st stage of labor. Subject participation in the study is targeted to be 12 months from the time of the use of the device during delivery.
Los Angeles, California and other locations
Our lead scientists for Pelvic Organ Prolapse research studies include Tamara Grisales, MD.
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