
for people ages 14-24 (full criteria)
study started
completion around
Principal Investigator
by Andrew F. Leuchter



This study will examine the feasibility of off-label multilocus repetitive transcranial magnetic stimulation (rTMS) for symptoms of Anorexia Nervosa in participants between the ages of 14-24. rTMS is a non-invasive, brain-based intervention that uses magnets to deliver energy to the brain. The investigators will also see if patients receiving multilocus rTMS show any improvements in their eating disorder, mood, anxiety, and obsessions and compulsions (if present). Participants will receive daily intervention with off-label multilocus rTMS for 20 total treatments. Participants will also be asked to complete mental health and well-being surveys, physical measurements, and 2 brain imagining scans (MRIs) at baseline, and at study end. The investigators will also ask participants to complete surveys are 1-month and 3-months after the final rTMS session. The target enrollment for this study is 45 participants.

Official Title

Multilocus Repetitive Transcranial Magnetic Stimulation for Anorexia Nervosa (MULTI-REX): A 4-week Open-Trial Pilot Study


Anorexia Nervosa, AN, TMS, Anorexia, Transcranial Magnetic Treatment


You can join if…

Open to people ages 14-24

  1. youth aged 14-24 with DSM-5 AN-restricting (ANR) or AN-binge-eating-purging (ANBP) type as determined by the MINI-KID/MINI and clinical interview;
  2. YBC-EDS score≥16,
  3. baseline CGI-S score ≥4,
  4. English speaking (as this complement of questionnaires are available in English)
  5. on stable psychotropic medication (if any) for the preceding 4 weeks (i.e., SSRIs, atypical antipsychotics and benzodiazepines of doses <1 mg lorazepam equivalent daily),
  6. medically stable, as determined by their treating clinician, and
  7. not deemed to be at high risk of imminent suicidal behavior by initial study psychiatrist assessment and referring provider/team, and no endorsement of items 4 or 5 on the Severity of Ideation Subscale of the C-SSRS.
  8. For women: not currently pregnant and on reliable birth control if sexually active (as the effects of rTMS on the unborn fetus are unknown).

You CAN'T join if...

  1. a lifetime history of psychosis, mania, or seizure disorder
  2. active suicidality as determined by clinical assessment by MD or PhD, and endorsement of items 4 or 5 on the Severity of Ideation Subscale of the C-SSRS.
  3. unstable neurological disorder,
  4. metal in head/eye,
  5. inability to tolerate MRI,
  6. at high risk of alcohol withdrawal or substance intoxication,
  7. diagnosis of pervasive development disorder,
  8. medical instability as determined by primary care provider and/or referring clinician (i.e., unstable electrolytes in the setting of worsening binge-eating/purging, cardiac arrhythmias requiring Holter or other intensive monitoring),
  9. For women: pregnant or not using a reliable form of birth control.

Lead Scientist at UCLA

  • Andrew F. Leuchter
    Professor, Psychiatry and Biobehavioral Sciences, Medicine. Authored (or co-authored) 176 research publications


not yet accepting patients
Start Date
Completion Date
University of California, Los Angeles
Study Type
Expecting 45 study participants
Last Updated