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Uveitis clinical trials at UCLA

2 research studies open to eligible people

Showing trials for
  • Brepocitinib in Adults With Active, Non-Infectious, Non-Anterior Uveitis

    open to eligible people ages 18-75

    The purpose of this study is to determine the safety and efficacy of brepocitinib in participants with active, non-anterior (intermediate, posterior, or pan) non-infectious uveitis (NIU).

    Los Angeles, California and other locations

  • OCS-01 in Subjects with Uveitis Related and Post Surgical Macular Edema

    open to eligible people ages 18 years and up

    The goal of the LEOPARD clinical trial is to investigate a new kind of steroid eye drops, OCS-01. Macular edema is a condition in which there is collection of fluid (edema) in the back of the eye (Macula) and it can lead to severe loss of vision. Among other causes, macular edema can happen because of a disease of the eye called Uveitis, and also after eye surgery. Treatment of macular edema remains a challenge as the condition may persist for several months and may lead to irreversible changes in the eye and poor vision. In the LEOPARD study the investigators wish to see how safe is the study drug (OCS-01) and how well it works, in resolving the fluid collection in the eye in patients with Uveitis or in patients who have had eye surgery. Participants will undergo detailed eye exam, and record their eye and medical history to see what their disease status is and if they can be included in the study based on the study criteria. If included, they will take the study drug OCS-01 in different doses for 24 weeks. During the study period, they will have regular eye exams to ensure their safety and to assess the usefulness of the study drug.

    Los Angeles, California and other locations

Our lead scientists for Uveitis research studies include .