A prospective, multi-center, non-randomized trial to demonstrate safety and device performance of the ADVA-Tec Uriprene® Degradable Temporary Ureteral Stent.
URIPRENE: Clinical Study to Evaluate the Safety and Device Performance of the ADVA-Tec Uriprene® Degradable Temporary Ureteral Stent Following Uncomplicated Ureteroscopy
A prospective, multi-center, non-randomized trial to demonstrate safety and device performance of the ADVA-Tec Uriprene® Degradable Temporary Ureteral Stent. The study is intended to assess the safety and efficacy of the Uriprene® Stent by assessing adequate intervention-free drainage during use and the time to complete degradation or the passage of stent fragments/segments from the urinary system by radiological assessment.