Artificial Intelligence (AI) clinical trials at UCLA
1 in progress, 0 open to eligible people
Ambient Artificial Intelligence Scribe Technologies
Sorry, in progress, not accepting new patients
This is a three-arm pragmatic RCT of 238 outpatient physicians at a large academic health system, randomized 1:1:1 to one of two AI scribe tools or a usual-care control group. The two-month study will observe and compare the effects of each tool prior to system-wide roll out of selected tool (anticipated Spring 2025). We will use covariate-constrained randomization to balance the arms in terms of physician baseline time in notes, survey-measured level of burnout, and clinic days per week. The primary purpose of the initiative is to improve quality, efficiency, and business operations at University of California, Los Angeles (UCLA) Health, and this initiative is not being done for research purposes. The results of this operational initiative will inform the widespread roll out of AI scribe tools across all providers within the UCLA Health System. Nevertheless, the UCLA study team plans to rigorously examine and publish the impact of this intervention across the health system, which is why the study team pre-registered the initiative.
Los Angeles, California
Our lead scientists for Artificial Intelligence (AI) research studies include John N. Mafi, MD, MPH.
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